Chapter Thirteen

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It had been a few days since the hospital visit. I had stayed at Tyler's with him and Josh because they insisted I do so out of worry. This morning they had finally let me leave to go back to my apartment. I could really use the alone time. I needed some time to myself to recharge.

I stood alone in the elevator as I looked out the clear glass into the outside world. It was late and it was dark- the eerie part of night that was my favorite. 

The elevator dinged, allowing me to exit out of the doors that parted ways. My door was only a few down, but something strange caught my eye. My cracked white door stood about an inch open, but I could have sworn I shut it and locked it- I always do.

My steps got slower as I neared my door. I tried to calm myself down. "This is an apartment complex,"  I reminded myself. "There are people around all the time. I'm fine to go in."

I creaked the door open more. There was a body on my couch. Someone was sitting on my couch- with a remote in hand. I stared at him and I couldn't move. His dark hair and intimidating dark eyes sent a shiver up my spine. Memories started running through my brain. That whole night played out once again in a quick few seconds. 

"D-Dacey?" I stuttered out, barely audible.

"Well, well, well!" He said, lifting himself off of the couch and starting to stumble towards me. "Look who finally decided to show up."

I should have ran, but I couldn't. I was frozen at the sight of his pressuring smirk.

"How did... how did you get in here? How do you know where I live?"

"You say a lot of shit when you're drunk," he said with a small laugh. He took another step closer to me. I was only a few feet away from the door. I turned and reached for the doorknob in a quick, swift motion, but he grabbed and squeezed my other wrist tightly, so tightly I felt it might break.

"Shut the door, Jessica," he whispered through the air towards me. I was frozen. If I shut the door, I was pretty much giving myself up. I could try to put up a struggle, and maybe have a chance. I didn't move my hand.

"I said 'shut the fucking door, Jessica!'" He said squeezing my wrist tighter. I whimpered in pain and pushed on the door. I watched it click as he maneuvered around me and locked both of the locks. 

My sight began to get cloudy as tears filled my eyes. "Why are you here?" I asked softly.

"The better question is 'why am i not here?'"

I squinted at him. There were tons of reasons for him not to be here. "Maybe because you raped me?"

He laughed a genuine laugh. "That was your own fucking fault."

My heartbeat slowed. I always thought I was being harsh on myself when I told myself that. I guess I wasn't.

"It was so easy," he said shaking his head back and forth.


"The whole thing. You even fucking tasted the drugs I put in your drink, and you still kept drinking it!" he kept on laughing for a moment. He found it extremely amusing.

"Why are you here?!" I yelled, taking him by surprise. I felt my cheeks getting wet. He was blocking the door, so there was no where for me to go. "If you're gonna rape me again just do it already!" I said, collapsing to the ground. There was no way out. I cried against the wall, waiting for him to do something.

"You're fucking pathetic," he said. I saw him swing his foot back and the heel of his boot smashed into my leg. 

I flinched and took the blow, then wrapped my hand around my now pulsing leg. 

"Get up," I heard his voice past the soothing darkness from behind my eyelids. I didn't move.

A surging pain ran through my fingers.  He had just kicked them hard, too. I looked down and saw blood slowing coming out of my scraped fingers. I used my other hand to try to get my weak self up, but I couldn't.

I heard the door open and shut. I thought someone had come to save me, but when I looked up, I was the only one there. He had left.


man it's been a long time (sorry), but hey that was intense


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