Chapter Twelve

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A sensation awoke me from my sleep. I opened my tired eyes to see Tyler rocking my knee back and forth quickly. I noticed my head was resting on his shoulder, which I don't remember intentionally doing.

"They called your name," he whispered to me, pointing to the front where a nurse was searching for me.

"Okay. I'll see you soon," I said to him as I stood up.

"Hello, Jessica. I'm Mrs. Alson and I'm a Nurse Examiner. We'll be asking you questions and performing some tests."

We walked into a private room where a man was already sitting. He looked like he was from the police station. I sat up on the reclining chair and the nurse sat down at a computer.

The man asked me for the general information of the incident. I couldn't really give him information about Dacey. All I knew was his name and vaguely what he looked like. I doubted I wanted to start an investigation. It would just be a waste of time.

"Oh, wait. I have his phone number," I said.

"That will really increase our chances of finding him. Do you want to launch the investigation and press charges?" he asked.

I took a minute to think. I reminded myself that if I didn't stop him he could do it again to someone else. If i did this it wouldn't be just for me.


"Okay. I will go get things organized and let the hospital collect evidence." He then left the room. The nurse turned to me.

"Are those the clothes you were attacked in?"

"What? No..." I said confused.

"Have they been washed yet?"


"Okay. We will need them to look for evidence," she said, typing into the computer. "Have you showered since the incident?"


She sighed. "That's unfortunate. You washed off a lot of evidence on your body by doing that."

I was amazed at how particular collecting evidence was. I pulled out my phone and texted Josh asking him to bring the clothes over.

"We will be performing a wide range of tests in the next few hours. We will need to take blood, urine, and hair, as well as perform a pelvic exam. Are you okay with everything?"

I nodded, but cringed on the inside. I wasn't really up to being prodded and poked at for the next few hours, but I had to do it. I had to.

"Okay I'll be back," she said as she left the room. I pulled out my phone again. Josh was on his way with the clothes. I texted Tyler and told him to go home with Josh. There was no use in him sitting here for hours doing nothing.

The next few hours consisted of peeing in cups, extracting blood, pulling hair out, scraping skin, cheek swabs, and a god-awful pelvic exam. It was only two hours, but it seemed like ten. I felt like jumping up and down when it was over, but I felt extremely drained. The combination of losing blood and being exposed and poked around at in weird places only made me want lay down and sleep. They said they would call in a week with results.

When I stumbled out into the waiting room, thank god Tyler was there. I wouldn't be safe trying to drive. He sat where I left him, despite me telling him to go home. We were never really on the same page lately, whether that meant good or bad. His hand held his head up. I didn't want to wake him, but I was sure he wanted to go home. I approached him and gently shook his shoulder.

"Hey," I smiled, watching his tired eyes look up to mine.

He rubbed his eyes. "Hey. You ready?"

"Yep." We started to go out. "You know I told you to go home with Josh, right?"

"I know, but it felt wrong to just leave you here," he said as we got to my car.

Once we were in he turned to me. "So what happened?".

I sighed. "You wouldn't believe how far they went to get evidence. Apparently I wasn't supposed to take a shower 'cause that got rid of evidence. They took my old clothes, took my blood, made me pee in a cup, scraped my skin off, pulled out my hair, and did tests y'know... down there," I said, finishing the long list of unfortunate events.

"Wow," he said, eyebrows raised. We stopped at a red light.

"It all felt so weird... like I was a rat they were experimenting on."

He laughed. "Do you feel okay?"

"Not really. I feel all light-headed because they took a full pint of blood. Also with everything else they did it was just like really exposing."

"I bet. You just need to lay down when we get home."

I looked at him and wondered. Pretty much anyone would have left me by now, but not him. I was such a nuisance on his peace, but he chose to keep me around for some strange reason that I didn't understand. I wasn't gorgeous. I wasn't funny. I was just me. Yet here he was, still carrying the weight I bear on him across mountains.

I looked into the sunset as I thought about the worst case scenarios. I could be dead in a year, infected with a sexually transmitted disease. However, I could also be pregnant, which might even be worse. I wondered if Tyler had thought about it yet. He'd probably abandon me then and I wouldn't blame him.


hey longer chapter. hope you like.


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