Chapter Eleven

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I woke up and the white sunlight invaded my eyes. I turned my head and sandy-colored mulch surrounded my limp body. It took me a second to realize what had happened last night.

I had been too tired to walk back, so I laid down by the swings and savored the sweet memories of my past there.

I knew I should have done it yesterday right when I woke up on that roof, but I finally decided to go to the hospital and the police station.

I started to walk back, attempting to remember how to get back. I had no idea what time it was because my phone had died. I wondered if I had any texts.

When I finally stumbled upon the house I had come from, Tyler sat on the front porch on his phone, but he didn't see me. I headed for my car, but he looked up right as I touched the handle. We locked eyes for a brief moment, him seeing if I was going to say anything to him or just drive away.

I decided not to be a jerk. I had already done enough damage. "Um... I'm heading over to the hospital and the police station," I informed him.

"Do you um... want me to come with you?"

"That would be nice," I noticed the words falling out of my mouth, which I did not intend to say. "Also can you go inside and grab your phone charger? The police will probably want to see the texts on my phone."

"What texts?"

Oh, boy. I had forgotten that I hadn't told him everything. "I'll explain later."

He shot me a suspicious look before jogging inside. I had no idea where Josh was at the moment.

Seconds later Tyler shut the door with a bang and then grabbed the keys out from my hands.


When we arrived at the hospital, the waiting room was very full. Coughs and sweaty people surrounded us in the thick of the air. We walked side by side up to the desk.

"Good morning. What brings you two here today?"

I just had to come out and say it. "Um... I was raped," I said in low voice, not exactly wanting people to hear me.

To my surprise, she didn't respond. She just handed me a clipboard with forms attached.

"When you finish filling that out, head to the triage nurse over there to check vital signs," she said, avoiding my stare.

Tyler and I headed over to chairs by an outlet, where I charged my phone for the few short minutes I filled out my basic information and why I was there.

We stood up again and waited in line to see the "triage" nurse.

Tyler finally said something after being mute for such a long time. "What are they going to do?"

"Check for STDs... and see if I might be pregnant." I looked to his eyes, awaiting his reaction.

He looked to the white tile floor. "I didn't even think about that."

I shot him a nervous smile. What could I say?

"But Jessica, what if you are pregnant?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know, Tyler. I really don't," I said, being honest.

Silence filled the air once again. At least we were now facing the triage nurse. I gave her my papers and then she took my temperature, blood pressure, and things like that. Finally, she read through my papers.

"Sir, could you step away for a moment?" the lady said towards Tyler. He nodded a little awkwardly and I watched him wander back to where we were sitting before. I wanted him back with me, though. His presence was comforting in this whole process.

"Is that the man who sexually assaulted you?" she asked, concerned.

The thought of Tyler ever doing something like that was impossible to imagine. "Him? No. He just came with me as my friend."

"You can be honest with me. You'll be safe away from him." she advised me, not believing a word I told her.

"I am being honest," I said, starting to get a little bit angry.

"If you say so, sweetie. You can expect to be waiting for an hour or so."

I walked back to our spot and plugged my phone in again. He was probably dying to know why she wanted to talk to me alone.

"She thought you were the one who raped me," I turned to him, smiling at the silly thought.

"Really?!" he said in disbelief.


"I'm offended," he said with a genuine laugh, which I hadn't heard for days.

I looked down and noticed his fingers moving around- he was nervous. I slipped my hand under his and folded my fingers into his.


hey guys. i hope you liked!


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