Chapter Two

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"Stay right here. I'm going to go get Josh," Tyler said.

I looked at my phone and it was later than I thought- 12:07. I felt very vulnerable without Tyler's presence, even though I had been alone most of the night already.

"Hey who ya' here with?" a very tall guy approached me and said.

"Uhh..." I hesitated, not sure if I should mention Josh and Tyler.

"You want to get out of here? I can take you somewhere alot better than this place," the imposing man persisted. He was truly towering over me. I could've handled something like this if I was my normal self, but when I had drinks in me, I couldn't think straight.

"I um..." 

"Come on, let's go." He went to put a hand on my shoulder, but instead I felt another person's hand come into contact with mine. The being pulled me away from the stranger. I turned to see Josh pulling me behind him.

"Hey what the hell, blue?!" the guy yelled to us, getting further away, faster.

I laughed and laughed and laughed, even once we entered into the cold night air. "Hahaha... blue!" I found Josh's new nickname hilarious.

"Tyler, can you help her in?" Josh asked, ignoring me. I hadn't even seen Tyler behind us.


We finished walking across the parking lot in the cold dehydrated midnight air. Once they stopped beside one of the many trucks, Josh went around front and got into the driver's seat. Tyler opened the door for me and held my hand to get me in.

Once I eventually got buckled in, I asked, "Where are we even going?"

"My house," Tyler answered from next to me.

"Your house?" I giggled.

"Yes," he snapped, seeming a little angry.

"Just try to relax," Josh suggested from in front of me.

"You too, blue."


I opened my eyes when I felt the soothing hum of the truck stop and looked around. Tyler's house was very nice, but still cozy-looking. This time, Josh walked me to the door while Tyler got his keys out and unlocked the wooden door.

"You can sleep in the guest room," the dark-haired boy added. "Josh said he'd sleep in my room or on the couch."

"Okay," I yawned. I was pretty tired.

He brought me into the room and I lingered for a minute, not wanting to get into the bed in my uncomfortable clothes- which was when I noticed the shoulder of my shirt was hanging down. I was a mess. 

"Oh, right," he said before walking out of the room and into the one across it- which I guessed was his. He came back a moment later with a blue tiger shirt and gray sweatpants. "Is this okay?"

I nodded and took them from his hands. I felt a lot calmer now, thankfully. Maybe I could stop embarrassing myself.

"You all good?" he comforted.

"Yeah," I said while rubbing my head.

"Okay. Well... goodnight." He started to shut the door.

"Thank you," I said sincerely.

He gave me a little smile before looking down and backing out. The door shut with a click and I began to peel off my jeans and finally let my legs breathe. Tyler's sweatpants were pretty much the right tightness for me, but were way too long. I wasn't surprised, though. I wanted to take my bra off, but that would be weird in the morning.

I engulfed myself in the cold sheets and sat in silence. My phone was dead, so there was no escape from the blackout of sound. However, two voices invaded the act of silence lulling me to sleep.

"That's not the same person we left a year ago, Tyler."

"A year is a long time."

"Uh, yeah... I'm surprised she's still alive right now. She's being really reckless. Aren't you worried?"

"Of course I am."

"Then how come you just seem to pass it off as nothing?"

"She's probably going through something, Josh. She wouldn't just throw herself out there like she is if she actually cared about herself."

"Okay. You're probably right."

"We'll see, but for now we need to quiet down, she's probably asleep by now."

That's where you're wrong, Tyler.


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