Chapter Ten

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I hated how Tyler's different personalities always clashed. He goes through them like he does his clothes.

I walked down the hallway and went straight for the front door. I think Josh looked up at me, but by the time he could say anything, I was out.

The darkness relaxed my strained eyes. I really didn't want to go home. I wanted to stay there, but I wasn't welcome- even though Tyler said I was. He was just being nice. I knew deep down he was really disappointed with me and how could I blame him?

I found myself just standing there. I didn't know where to go. My car was parked right in front of me, but I walked past it and onto the sidewalk. The streetlights glowed down on me as I walked past them. The only colors I could see were black and orange. I felt warm inside. Maybe it was from Josh's warm clothes that I had just stolen.

After walking for a little while, my feet had gotten tired. I stood still. Everything around me stood still, too. It was like time had stopped- except for the wind blowing my hair around.

I suddenly came to a realization. I wasn't keeping track of the path I was taking. "Fuck," I said aloud, for no one to hear.

I saw a playground up ahead and I decided to go to it. The normal woman would probably be terrified right about then of being kidnapped because, well, it was like midnight and I was alone. I wasn't afraid, though. I think I had finally become emotionally numb and I was comfortable with it.

I sat down on a swing and memories flooded in of that playground. I remembered when the three of us used to come here; when we just lived our lives in each pure moment. I closed my eyes and let the past flood into my head.

I stood at the very highest point of the playground, being the princess. Tyler stood down the steps which were right next to me, while Josh stood in the sand-colored mulch beneath us.

"You guys ready?" Josh yelled up to us.

"Yeah," we said in unison.


Tyler ran in Josh's direction, but remained on the playground. The point of the game was for Tyler to not let Josh get ahold of me. It was never a romantic thing, though. We would just play like brothers and sister.

Josh began to climb up. "Get away, you... invader!" Tyler yelled, trying to push Josh back, but failing. Tyler had always been sort of a scrawny kid before filling out when he started basketball.

"No! Stop!" he yelled, Josh getting near me. Tyler grabbed the back of Josh's dark red shirt, but Josh pulled away and ran right to me.

Josh's body hugged mine- but he was capturing me, not hugging me.

"Ha ha ha!" Josh laughed evilly. "I have your precious princess now!"

I put up a struggle, trying to squirm out of his arms. "Tyler, help!"

"Let go of her!" Tyler insisted, with a genuinely mean look upon his face.

"It's too late now," Josh said, happily. "I'm locking her up here!"

"No! Please!" I begged.

He closed an imaginary door and "locked" it.

Tyler went up to the door and twisted the "doorknob", but soon stopping in defeat, realizing it was "locked".

"I'm so sorry Princess Mary," he said giving me a different name.

"Save me!" I said, sadly.

A honking car disrupted my flashback. A part of me hoped it was Josh or Tyler, but it was just a random person off in the distance.

The last words said in my flashback hit me hard. I said those words to him playing pretend... but right here, right now I really meant them.

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