Chapter Sixteen

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At this point I was surprised my life hadn't been aired on the Soap Opera Network. I had now been featured in a rape situation, abuse, and now had a rape baby that my best friend had now found out about. 

"Um, we will just leave," the police officer said, gesturing to him and the manager. They slipped out of the room and left a screaming silence. 


I just looked up at him.

"You're... you're pregnant?" he said with his sad brown eyes staring almost through me.

I gave him a half-smile and he looked at my stomach. I looked into his eyes and I could tell his mind was racing. 

He stood up quickly and ran his hands through his hair, shaking his head. He shut his eyes tight.

"Tyler?" He started to shake his head back and forth again. "Tyler, come sit down." I had to try to get him to calm down. It's why I didn't want him to find out in public.

The room was dark, so it was hard to see him clearly, but he was all I could see. My eyes had no where to fall upon, but him, falling apart. "Tyler," I repeated again, but he just wouldn't listen to me. He just looked like he was getting madder and madder. "Tyler!"

"You have no idea what this means, Jess!" he yelled. "You're too nice to have an abortion. I can see it right fucking now. You won't do it."

I stayed silent. He might be right.

"Damn it," he said, rubbing his hand down his face. 

"Tyler...," I began. "Why are you still here? Just go. I'm not you're problem. You aren't my brother. You're not my dad. We have no strings. You aren't tied to me. You are free to go, so go. I only make your life harder." I would fall apart if he really left, but I had to do the right thing. 

"I don't want to just leave you."

"I don't want to drag you through this with me. I made stupid mistakes and you don't deserve to have to go through the consequences like I do. You're probably the only one I have, but I feel just horrible seeing you suffer from what I did."

"I'm not going to leave you," he said, sitting down close to me.

"Oh my god Tyler, why not? Yeah sure, we've been friends for as long as we can remember, but that doesn't tie you to me. I'm tired of feeling guilty dragging you through this. Please, please, just go."

"I'm not leaving you!"

I was getting so angry with him. "Why not?!" I yelled.

His lips hit mine as he held onto my face and he wouldn't let go. He just kept kissing me and I finally gave in from the shock and kissed him back hard, feeling a little bit of his scruff against my cheek. When he finally let go of me, he stared at me so hard and so deeply, it almost made me want to look away.

Damn. This would be a great-ass soap opera.


I know what you're thinking... "finally!!" 


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