01 |The Thorns That Prick|

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Losing someone that was very close to you is as painful as pricking your finger on a thorn. The pain is there, the blood is there and the tears are there.

The blood flows and the tears run, but the pain, it pounds. Hard. That was what she felt. The blood stopped flowing as the wound healed, but the pain and tears were still fresh and the wound on her heart as well.

Seeing her mother's lifeless dead body covered in blood and bruises always flashed before her eyes whenever she remembers that fateful day.

As a child she was terrified and didn't understand what was going on, but when she grew up. It hit her, hard.

Her father was always by her side, no matter what. He taught her everything that a girl should know. He became her mother as well as her father but the true love of a mother she always craved for.

"Sanyukta, you haven't eaten in hours. Please open the door," her father spoke, knocking softly on her door.

"I'm busy dad, I'll eat later," she told as she typed on her laptop.

"Please, at least open the door."

"Fine," she sighed, pushing away the laptop, getting up to unlock the door.

He walked inside and placed the plate of food on her side table, sitting on her bed.

Peeping over on her laptop, he noticed that she was searching for mother's day card ideas.

"I guess I kind of ruined the surprise huh?" he asked breaking the silence between them.

"You saw the search bar didn't you?"


"Don't worry, this isn't for you. This is for mom. I never actually made one for her all these years since I always made one for you so I decided to make something really special for her." Sanyukta sat down beside her father, holding the picture of her mother, tight in her arms.

"I miss her too. I miss her smile, her laugh, her jokes, everything. She wasn't just my wife she was my best friend," he told, rubbing his finger across her photo.

"Dad, what was she like? I only knew her for 4 years," Sanyukta asked, wiping the tears that unknowingly rolled down her cheeks.

"Well she was like a firecracker. She was bold and sassy, and not to mention beautiful. She loved helping people like you and she was an amazing cook.

I fell in love with her because she was different from all the women whom I met. She was never after my money or the fact that I have a big name. All she wanted was someone whom she could spend her whole life with," he said making her smile.

"She sounds a lot like me," Sanyukta spoke, chuckling and he nodded holding her hands tightly.

"Yes, very much. That's why I don't want to let you go. If I let you go then that means letting the last memory of her go. You are everything to me, everything that I want to cherish for the rest of my life, everything that I can call my own."

"I promise you that I will make you live with my me and husband dad. I told you that already," Sanyukta teased as she knew her father was never going to let her marry.

"Don't even bring up marriage Sanyukta. You know I hate when you do," he said sternly.

"But I have to get married some day. Don't you want to see your grandchildren?" she teased once more, getting up off the bed, taking the plate of food with her.

"You can very well adopt a child Sanyukta. I just don't want to let you go," he said, ending the conversation there with a heavy heart.

"I love when I tease you about getting married. You get all angry and strict which is very funny." She chuckled at his behavior as she sat down on the couch eating.

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