TTBI .09

89 28 17

     Rita's p.o.v

I stood at the end of the line waiting patiently for my turn. When I smelt this intriguing smell of perfume. Indicating someone had come up behind me.

    Gradually, the line began moving forward and I realized every single time I moved forward. This person's body was always softly pressed against mine. I thought it to be an accident at first; then I knew' this guy ' was doing it on purpose. When he repeated himself again. My first reaction was to push him away and yell at whoever he was. But, that would only embarrass us both so I decided against it.

     I moved forward again in a bid to stop him and turned around before he could come closer.

" Do you min— I paused.

     His coffee brown eyes stared away from the phone he'd been holding then to me. His neatly shaven hair and full lips. This tall dark, handsome, vaguely familiar looking man.

    I blinked twice as his lips curved into a perpetual smile.

" Hey." His lips brought forth.

" Hi." I purred.

         His smile widened. His hands reached for the pocket of his gray, slightly zipped open body warmer worn to match denim shorts and trainers.

" I said...I was..y.. your body was– "I  stared at his face looking queerly at me

    He tilted his head,bit his lips and continued smiling at me.

" My name's Leke. He extended his hand. Nice to meet you."

     I looked down at his wide palms, neatly trimmed,dirt free nails and shook it.

" Nice to meet you too." I mumbled sheepishly before turning around immediately. I couldn't stand another second of his eyes. I could tell he was looking at me from behind. Yunno there's this funny feeling everyone gets... like you just know. Yes, I getting that feeling.
       I got to the top of the line in no time, ordered three plates of jollof rice and paid. Before realizing the little issue— I couldn't call Adam or that girl to come help me out. I was clueless. I stepped out of the line. And quickly from behind I felt his hands grab two plates. Of course, Leke.

     " It's obvious you need some help." He said.

  I stared at the other person on the line.

" D.. didn't you want to order something?" I asked him.

" Yes. But, that can wait. He replied. So, where's your table?" He asked looking around.

    I blushed. " Thank you... It's over there!" I pointed, carried the last plate and headed straight for my table. My glory was short lived when I almost tripped over my shoes. The good news was that I didn't fall. The bad news was that the plate went flying in the air and spilled it's whole portion over a man's clothes before shattering to the floor.

I'd never been so shocked. So, ashamed of myself.

    The whole restaurant was staring at me and the man. Whose white polo t-shirt, written in bold ' Gucci '. And Versace cargo pants were stained with rice and pepper.
" I'm so sorriee !" I pleaded out.

Then stared up at his face.

  This man was sculptured not born. Instantly, I had this feeling we'd met before. This strong sense of déjà vu as our eyes met. This feeling that I'd found something I'd long been waiting for. And it didn't take me much time to realize he was the same man I'd seen sitting in the car in which the taxi driver had bashed into.

Soulmates-The Thieves Broke In || A Nigerian Book. Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant