TTBI .18

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   The chair vibrated and immediately the smell hit me like a bomb dropped in the middle of the Sahara desert. I turned to look at the fat, dark man seated next to me. His deep ugly looking tribal marks glaring evilly back at me. His face turned out towards the other window. The dirty worn out ankara he wore touching the hem of my neat gown. His mouth moving the similar way village women pounded yams as he devoured his roasted corn in an hungry, glutton like manner.

    I quirked my nose high In disgust. He was definitely the one who'd polluted. I just knew it— people like him didn't just get fat for nothing. I rolled my eyes and at that moment water dripped down my cloth... I stared up accusingly and you could guess. The useless bus had a hole in it's ceiling and it just happened that rain started to drizzle. I couldn't wait to get down. Everything disgusted me... With people filled in it like sardines and as it roared with complaints like an over faulty generator badly in need of repair. I stared out the window to keep from vomiting, the fresh air blowing through my nostrils totally calmed me down. The busy lagos street surely a sight to behold

The condition I was in didn't help matters also or else why would I judge the poor, totally- Not innocent man for being too fat. The thoughts of what happened last night was actually what contributed to my bad mood this morning.

  I walked out the room when I was certain the Bachor's had gone. Though their expensive perfume lingering in the air speaking otherwise. I could see Yinka seated on the sofa staring incredulously at her phone. But where was Mom?

" Yinka!" I called from where I stood.

She leveled her eyes to meet mine coolly and furrowed her brows together.

" Where's Mom?"

" How should I know? Am I her bodyguard?." She said. It sounded normal but I knew those words had hidden meanings.

Like; Are you blind? Did you see her here?
Why not go ask Bankole... Kisser of Life.

Why was I suddenly thinking of that idiot. I wondered. I reject any evil spirit he cast on me for remembering him and his worthless kiss.
God forbid him. IJN

But, on the other hand. Yinka's nose almost immediately looked swollen. Like she'd been punched in the face by a thug. It was no surprise because it happened whenever she told a lie.

" Do I look like I'm joking?" I snapped at her.

" Yes. Infact you look like a joke. She muttered to her phone then glared back at me. Have you checked her room?" She hissed at me.

Of course how could I have forgotten. I turned away under her intense filled gaze. Why was she glaring evilly at me? Why did she look like Mufasa in Lion King when he planned to kill Simba's Father? Why did her eyes twitch uncontrollably? I threw her another gaze as I walked to mom's room— She was still staring at me. When I reached the door to her room I heard;

" Why couldn't you just stay clear off him? Why did you have to be my obstacle in becoming a rich mans wife?"

I narrowed my eyes at her from the corridor.

"Excuse me?"

She laid flat on her stomach this time around.

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