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September 24th,2011..

It was the dead of a cold night and we were hastily walking down the street to the house. Stores and supermarkets were already closing down and they were hardly any vehicles on the road. The night was as dark as ever, though our house was only a few turns from where we were . My legs were practically failing plus my bags super heavy... If only uncle bosun had sent his driver to our school then we wouldn't be stressed that night. Imagine having to walk all the way from school... No, taking a commercial bus from the University Gates. Then on arriving at the taxi Park having to wait hours for those cursed passengers to get in.

I turned back around to see yinka mincing in her steps.

" Can't you walk any faster?" I sheriked angrily at her.

She stopped in her tracks and pouted angrily.

" No,I can't. You didn't notice that my legs had been long cut off at the University Gates or you just didn't notice how tired l looked right?" She spat; hissed and continued in that slow pace of hers that made me want to walk over to her and hit her straight in the face.

I sighed in frustration before finally turning back and decided to start walking again. Since, the vicious rumors of the Battalion cult boys spread like wild fire last week,people had been afraid of dying. Even, the Lagos State government had imposed a curfew and had sternly warned Lagosians to stay indoors before nine o'clock prompt and anyone caught should it be a minute late would spend at least a night in Kirikiri prison.

-Baba God's almighty prison for wrong doer's-

Last week, A big supermarket just five blocks away had been robbed and almost everyone found inside were proclaimed dead. Others, that survived were seriously injured and were afraid to talk saying they had promised to come back for them if a word was said to the police, everyone else either had bullets through their heads or had cut off limbs. Though I was in school at the time it happened. I wouldn't go deaf to my surroundings or blind to social media that I wouldn't know the ' going on's ' of my forsaken country.

My heart was racing, with the headlights of a speeding vehicle. I managed to glance at my watch. It read -to eight- .We were both done for was roamed my mind. Trying to convince the stubborn headed 300' lvl medical student who felt she'd accomplished a lot behind me to walk faster didn't help matters. I bit my lips angrily walking faster and God so help me we got home in peace.Because, I would then give her the trash talking of a lifetime.

We reached our street in no time. It was a dead end with different manner of houses standing opposite each other and ours was the last which made me more curious to force a stop. Making yinka bump into me from behind and having one of my bags fall in a small puddle of dirty water.

" Christ! What is your problem... Are you asleep,blind or what?" I voiced in more frustration.

She grumbled some words,bent to pick it up and stretched it out to me.

" Just take it!" She announced in the darkness.

I snatched the bag from her and turned back to the huge black gate. That's when I realized it was slightly ajar. I could see the bright lights of the compound, the dent exterior of our family's jeep. I grabbed yinka by her arm suddenly.

" The gate is opened!" I said silently.

She peered at it like it was a normal thing for the gate to be opened around that time of the night.

" So?" She replied nonchalantly.

" So?- I muttered desperately- so somethings not right. Why would mom allow Razark to leave the gate open by this time?"

" Geez. Me I don't know. Maybe, we should go in and ask her" The feebleminded idiot said.

Sometimes,I wondered how yinka turned out to be a medical student. Her level of intelligence was very low compared to that of Razark- The Gate man.

" Why are you talking like this?" I questioned angrily.

" How am I talking? Didn't you just ask me a question. Please- She said arrogantly- if you can't go in because you are scared of the dark then you can wait here till dawn or rather call her to come and carry you inside. As for me- I'm off " She added,walking away towards the direction of the house.

" Yinka!" I called after her. She flew her hands in the air and continued walking away. I watched her go through the gate and disappeared. Yinka! . I slapped my hand across my forehead; that idiot. I got my phone out of my Jean pocket and dialed mom's number. But, it responded ' switched off',then Dad's and Uncle bosun and Razark. How would the whole resident of a two story building all have their phones switched off at the same time. I waited for about five minutes before picking my bags again. The word 'Danger' ruminating every second inside my brain as I walked slowly towards the gate.

My heart ponding,legs weak,the trickle of sweat that broke lose from the side of my head keeping me on the verge of alert.

Rita you think too much...nothing's happened. Why? Do you have to be such a whimp? I thought.hissed and walked through
The gate -

I didn't even have time to close the gate behind me neither to look at the face of the person who grabbed me roughly from behind and pressed a knife softly to my neck. This was why I hated late night travelling especially in Lagos. The first word that struck my mind was ' Battalion Cult Boys- Juju-Ritual-Death.'

I moaned fearfully looking around.

"Say a word and you're dead" The gruff voice muttered from behind.

I dropped my bags and nodded frantically. Only,to stare around again and see razark tied to a wooden chair, hands behind, hot streaming tears running down his eyes- fear laying beneath them,mouth gagged. Yinka was face down flat on the ground,her hands were also tied. But, she wasn't crying neither gagged. She just lay there stone cold,not moving,eyes closed. Maybe, fainted on the dirty ground.

Fear tripped in. My Dad,Mom,Older brother; Lekan.

They were two of them. One behind Razark and one behind me. The one behind razark stood and pointed the gun towards Yinka - I'd never been in a complete daze all my life. His eyes were the only part of his face I could see. He was dark and huge. He wore a mask and tied like a scarf around his head. He tilted his head staring at me; then began kicking her by her sides. I didn't dare scream least make a sound.

Yinka! Please don't die today. Especially,when tommorow was my day to sweep the compound- please!!!!!.

The one behind urged me to walk forward. My eyes then became watery. Was this it? Was this how I was going to die?

" Lock the gate" Scarf guy ordered harshly.

" Don't think of trying anything funny or else you're dead" The one behind me threatened before leaving my back and walked to the gate. Scarf guy moved behind me,pressing the cold gun closely to my back that it penetrated my thick Ghanaian jacket uncle bosun had gotten me for my birthday last year.

A/N; please vote, comment and share. By, doing this all weapon against you shall not prosper.🤣🤣🤣🤣. Lol.

Abeg nahh

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