Confusion- 2

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I wanted to say something, anything. But it was confusing, any word I wanted to escape me would hitch in my throat. Like trying to get a pumpkin out of your throat. 

I wanted to confront him, handle the situation or do something. I didn't wan't him to fear me. This pained me, but honestly I wasn't going to do anything to calm him unless calmed down. Alex still held the bat over his head, ready to swing. If I wasnt freaking out as much as I was, i think i would laughing because of the way he looked. Bat high over, shirtless hairy boy with wet hair and expression like if he'd heard a ghost. I twirled my hair between my fingers as a thinking habbit. Alex jumped into bed and pulled and the coverse over himself, he was shaken up and disturbed. If I had the power to do anything, I'd honestly lay next to him, and him lay next to me. Where he would know I was there and he would hug me. But all I can do is watch.

I gave up and crawled next to him, a pillow was kept between as a barrier. He laid there on his back, the breathing was heavy and his eyes kept wide, although I could tell he was trying hard to keep them that way. If I could use two words to attempt to calm him, I would say "It's okay" 


I wasnt sure what was exactly going on, maybe I had left the tv on downstairs or someting, but other than the words the person spoke, the house was silent. I mean, other than the sound of my heavy breathing.

"Can you hear me?" The female voice spoke, ever so softly. Like if I wasn't suppose to hear it, but I did. I heard it slightly, somehow I had this feeling like I have heard before, but in my dreams. The voice was a distant memory.

"Yes, now show youself" I said with all the confidence i could gather, after that the house fell into a deathly silence. I quickly jumped into bed and pulled the coverse over my trembling body. I stared at the cealing for a while, then turned to face the wall. It was the same wall with the same crack on the same chipping paint in the same god damn spot. But it wasn't. There was something else blending with the blue chipping paint and something more than just one crack, it was an outline. Of a someone. I was seeing things, it was late, I had a lot on my mind. It couldn't have been...

"Alex" I felt myself being shaken, I swatted my hand demanding 5 more minutes "Alexander, wake up" I cracked opened an eye and found Jack close to my face, I rolled over so he woulnt bother me. Surprisingly there was a girl sleeping peacefully on my bed. I shot out of bed and glanced at Jack then back to this stranger in panic.

"So, who's your friend?" Jack asked proudly.

"i-uh- dont know" I myself was a little confused.

"well then, she must know something if you don't" I stared at her, remembering the events from the previous night. "Jack, I heard her saying stuff last night. I swear I was alone, I've been hearing distant sounds for a while now but last night it was real and she was there. I coulnt make them out but her last words were 'can you hear me' but i-i made sure the house was empty"

"maybe you should keep your dogs inside-"

We both froze when we saw movement coming from this........stanger


If I had a list for top ten things I would want back from being a ghost is dreaming. Sleep wasnt so pleasant when it mostly consisted of staring at the back of your eye lid but it kept some peace and time to rethink your choices. When I heard talking I took it as my cue to wake up and start another day in this sick little game. I opened my eyes and found Alex & Jack staring, at me? I quickly checked if there was something odd behind me, all there was is that wall. I looked back at them and got up streatching and headed to the door to Alexes bedroom. I desended down the stairway giggling slightly at my dumb attempt of importantce and waltzed into the kitchen.

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