Wake Me Up

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I open my eyes to a light that blinded me for a while before i took in my surroundings. I was alone in a cemetery... Laying on the soft grass. I stood up in the exact same outfit i died in.

"look what you have done Delilah" A sharp but familiar voice called behind me, i took a turn and found myself laying on a tomb stone "you died again" she... or i said.

"this doesn't make any sense... you are-" "im that voice inside you, dont you see my dear? you have been haunting yourself." and evil smirk spread across her face "come here please, tel l me what you see" she pointed to a stone with my parents names engraved in it.

"i see my parents grave" i said with a strait face. She nodded and let me to a smaller one.

"how about this one?" her smirk never left her face.

"i-i see my full name and the dates i was born and i had died. i see my grave" a tear escaped.

"i see that too, but let me tell you something. Do you know why your parents are no longer on earth?" 

"because they are dead and they were angels who made it to heaven" i said while i stared at their grave.

"no. the reason they are no longer here is because their bodies where found my dear, but yours remains lost" i whipped my head up too see her face.

"i was never found?" confusion was all over my body and all i could think of was running to that place i died. She nodded in response to my question. "what does that matter tho? i did so many things and never confessed to my parents, shouldnt i be in hell?" i whipped my head in her direction.

"here is what you never understood. You are already in hell my darling, Alex, Austin, Jack, Jaime, it was all part of hell. Not everyone gets the same punishment you know. And that little happy time you enjoyed with Alex, it was all for pain dont you see?" I stared at her, then down to my parents grave. 

"i went to hell?" She smiled "what would my parents think if they were here with me?" She walked over to me and put a hand on my shoulder.

"they already know. They have seen everything you have done down in hell. You are a huge disappointment Delilah" i nodded to assure her that i already knew that. A few tears rolled down my cheek and i started walking. I knew exactly where this cemetery was, i knew Baltimore like the back of my hand. I walked on the side walk to my house. I stared at my front porch which had new furniture and a little kitty laying on the comfy chair. I walked right by it and it hissed at me, anything hurt me at the moment and i felt fragile and hated. I ran righ through the door and through the walls strait into my bed room. Only it wasnt my bed room but a teenage boys rooms. I threw myself on the bed and sobbed. Alex never really loved me, i was being so silly!! 

"excuse me, who are you?" I turned around and found the owner of this room standing on the doorway.

"i-i dont know" i sniffled "i thought you could help me?" i choked out. He closed the door with his foot and dropped his bag to the side and walked slowly to the bed.

"how did you get in?" i shrugged. He walked closer to me "well, im Mike. Do you know your name??"  

"my name is Delilah" his face softened and he didnt seem as afraid as before. Mike had a sweet sweet smile appear on his soft pink lips. He had dark blue eyes and light blown hair that was a bit messy but looked really good on him.

"you know you want to" my conscious appeared next to him in the corner of the room arms crossed and a smirk crossing her face.

"Leave me alone" i said to her sharply.

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