Biggest Mistake

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I slept with Austin, but I'm with Alex....

See, there's the slut in you babe

Shut up I'm not a slut, i-it was an accident, we were just drunk!! It was just a mistake

And mistakes lead to habits, just wait till Alex finds out

A tear slipped, I would never want to hurt Alex. I nudged Austin until he finally woke up "what?" He said lazily with his morning voice "Austin, wake up, take a moment to take in your surroundings" he looked at me now wide awake and looked at my naked body under the blankets and looked at him self "fuck" he murmured under his breath. He rolled over and buried his face into his pillow "c-can I take a shower?" He nodded into his pillow growling. I walked into the bathroom finding Alan there in a towel brushing his teeth "hey" he said with a mouthful of toothpaste "what's up buttercup?" I laughed a bit "it's actually Cupcake mister" I winked "well I'm sorry miss bossy" I laughed "will you get out I need to shower!!" He smirked "oh, in that case" he sat in a little chair that was up against the wall and smiled as he scanned my body "I'm not gonna strip for you baby" I winked "aww come on, you know you want this body sweetheart" I smiled "I don't know if I want that body, I think I like my body better, now leave so I can shower!!" He just turned around. I knew there was nothing I could do to get him out so I carefully removed my clothes. Before I could jump in the shower, he turned around and caught me naked. He smiled and attacked me with kisses. Kissed my jaw line, my neck, everyplace possible!! It was so bad but it felt so good!!! He backed up into the shower dropping the towel and turning on the water "god we shouldn't" he kissed my lips "shh" was all we said.

After the shower and I have had sex AGAIN yet with a different person. GOD WHY DID I HAVE TO BE SUCH A SLUT!!! OH AND VOICE BEHIND MY HEAD YOU BETTER NOT COMMENT ON THIS OKAY?

Fine. No comment


Ya little slut c;

AJDFHJSBDGJSBDISA SHUT UP!! I sighed, I walked back to the room I was before the shower and picked up my old clothes "don't put those a back on, they are dirty" Austin called from behind FULLY dressed yet I remained in a towel "here, put this on" he handed me a shirt and boxers, he smiled before exerting the room and closing the door behind him. At least he was generous enough to leave me when I'm gonna be nude.

after i was dressed, i waled into the kitchen looking for food "hey princess" Austin kissed the top of my head as i sat down "sup, whats for breakfast?" he looked at the guys "cerial" Alan said with a mouth full "awe" i said disappointedly "do u want me to make you something?" Austin offered and i jumped up "YES OMFG OKAY I WANT TOAST AND EGGS WITH ORANG JUICE AND BACON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" everyone laughed "i aint sharing my bacon bitches" worried expressions came upon all of them except Austin who just smirked "b-but, ugh no just no SHAREEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!" Phill said as Tino fake cried "can we change ur mind?" Aaron asked "mmm, only if you bring me the prettiest sea shell on the beach" Alan, Phill, Tino, and Alan all stumbled out the double doors onto the beach "bitch please, im making you the bacon so u cant not share" i made a pouty face "ughhhhh FINEEEEE!!!!!!!" he smirked again "here ya go" a big plate of perfection was placed in front of me and i just dug in "were you a little hungry or.........." i laughed "WERE DID YOU LEARN HOW TO COOK LIKE THIS??????" He smiled "my mom taught me" he choked out, i stopped and picked up a piece of bacon and stood next to him leaning my head on his shoulder "does a piece of bacon make my little Austin feel better?" he gave me a weak smile and took the bacon i was holding in front of his face "yeah, im sorry i just-" i cut him off "its fine, no need to apologize, i understand" i kissed his cheeck and ate the rest of my food.

"I FOUND IT!!!!" i heard groans behind Aaron "NOW WHERE IS MY BACON??" I laughed "right here" i tapped my tummy "oops" i said quickly as i put my plate in the sink "aw man, then ur not getting this sea shell" i frowned "hey, let me see that" Austin took the shell "oh my god that gorgeous" Austin smiled. he took the chain he had on and put the shell on it making a beautiful necklace and wrapped it around my neck "for you" he smiled as he tied it on. The moment it was on, i felt more alive than ever!! The shell sparkled and i felt a heart beat, i felt my veins full quickly filling with blood and my lungs working. I took a big breath and it felt amazing!! "where did you find it?" I asked Aaron "it was hidden under some blue crabs, but they ran away and i grabbed it" Tino laughed "correction, he saw the crabs and screamed really loudly and the crabs got annoyed by the little girl scream and dug into the ground" Aaron made an annoyed face "wow" i whispered.

what the hell is it?

i have no idea, are you sure its real?

yes, im alive, like seriously breathing

how exactly?

the shell....... its the shell 

i looked at Austin with a confused expression, he seemed to be worried when he saw it "ummm. guys, me and Delilah are gonna take a walk" we walked outside and away from the house "whats wrong?" he asked worriedly "i-its-um" i pointed at the necklace "what about it?" i didnt know what to say "i just-" i stoped, startled of the sight. There they were. Just where i left them. The scars. everywhere. wrists, legs, arms, stomach. when i came alive, everything came back. i let myself fall to the ground and i whimpered on the soft sand "Austin, im coming back!! w-when you put on the necklace i woke up, seriously i can feel my heart beting, i feel my lungs breathing, i see my scars coming back" i chocked out the last part "hey hey, its okay cupcake, nothing to worry about" he took my arms and admired the scares, he smiled and kissed them "they are just your battle scars Delilah" i hugged him tightly still crying "i look horrible with all the scars, i cant go back to Alex looking like this" i sobbed into his shirt "shh, i know Alex, and he wont give a damn of how many scars you have baby girl" i smiled to myself wiping my tears away.

"oh Austin, i need to tell you that-" "DELILAH!!" I heard a yell, i wiped my head to the direction of the screamer "oh hey Alex" Ausitin said "oh god Delilah where have you been? i have been worried sick!!! all night looking for you" aww

hes lying


"seriously? all night long?" he nodded with a smile. I noticed the dark circles under his eyes "hes a keeper Delilah" Austin whispered only for me to hear "im sorry Alex" i left Austins side and wrapped my arms around Alex tightly "i promise i wont run off again!!" i didnt let go as i turned to face Austin "Austin, thanks for letting me crash at your place, i was having a bad day" he smiled and hugged me for the last time "no problem baby girl" i am loving these names hes giving like seriously!!! "come on" Alex and i said our last good byes and headed towards the beach house. "nice necklace, where did you get it?" 

i looked up at his face and smiled.


i got no excuses for not updating, ur allowed to hate me okay? tell me how it is tho c;

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