Chapter 1

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4 days in the hospital and two weeks of bed rest and finally it is my first day back to school since getting shot. Everything has been normal since Joey was able to keep me and Alec was sentence to 37 years to life in prison. I think he should have gotten longer but I was glad he was gone for the time being.
I sighed as walked out of the apartment complex it was great to be out of that place. I hear a horn get honked and look to see Derek waiting for me. I agreed with the boys despite the short distance from the school that they could pick me up. We did the schedule for pick up duty and drop of duty throughout the week.

Monday- Derek

Tuesday- Lane and Williamina

Wednesday- I walk

Thursday- Peyton

Friday- Cyrus

Honestly since the whole getting shot things everyone has definitely been more protective. Which involves me rolling my eyes more than four times a day. I run over to Derek as he smirks at me, I jump into his arms hugging him. "I'm free," I cheered making Derek laugh as he put me down on the ground. "You act lie you just got released from prison," Derek said with a chuckle "it feels like it," I said giving him a matter of fact attitude. Derek rolls his eyes at me. He opens the passenger door for me and I get on in saying I quick thank you as I do.
Since the boys told me, they loved me and wanted me to understand why, because I don't understand 100% why. I love them, but the boys think I don't love myself and need to focus on fixing me. Which apparently while I was out I would ask a question of why did you do it. I knew what I was talking about but everyone else was worried about me. I tried to tell them I was fine but everyone knew I was lying.
Owen and I since have become close friends and he has made me promise to go to one of his games for each sport he plays. He plays Football, Basketball, and Baseball so I cursed myself later on for agreeing. He told Stephanie how he felt but she told him, he was nothing more than a fuck to her. Which later on involved Joey stopping me from leaving the house to try and find the bitch. Like for real? The guy got kidnapped for you and took most the beatings for you! Like The Fuck!
"What you thinking about Triple J," Derek asked me as he turned into the school parking lot. "Nothing," I said smiling at him and he smiled at me we stayed like that a for a bit "eww can you too not do that in front of me," Will says from the back seat. I blush as Derek looks back at Will and glared just then my door opens. "Jul," Lane cheered "LaLa," I said he then pretty much grabbed me out the car and hugged me. I laughed as I hugged him back "Lane," said Williamina, we look to see her, she was impatiently waiting for him to let go of me. Lane nervously smiles at her as he puts me down Williamina immediately jumps on me hugging me.
"It's been too long," Williamina told me, I giggled "it's been since yesterday," I told her "too long," Williamina told me. "Hey," I hear Zoey's voice and look to see her coming over to me, I smile big glad to see her as well. Us three girls have become very close and Zoey isn't really that bad. "Hey," I said we then hugged "glad to be back," Zoey asked me "for now," I said smirking. She laughed "that's the spirit," she said "where is," before I can finish I hear the magic words that signal me where they are. "Watch Where The Fuck You Are Going," I sighed "these two will never learn," I said we all then head over to see Saber and Dylan already there.
"What happened this time," I asked them "great there back," Lane said becoming cold like he does when someone he doesn't like is around. "Damn and I thought they were gone for good," said Will, I am so confused as I see all the boys glaring at the group of people Peyton and Cyrus are glaring at. "Damn to think I was the only who got glared at like that," I hear Owen's voice he then sees what they are glaring at and gets cold too. "No one is gonna explain," I asked everyone was silent Zoey and Williamina nervously looking at each other.
"Ok," I said then walked forward to stop Peyton and Cyrus from getting suspended on my first day back. "Hey guys," I say jumping in between the two and the group behind me "move J," said Cyrus never looking at me. "And who is this princess here," I hear a cocky and deep voice say behind me, I hated that nickname. "One don't call me that," I said "two you start shit with my friends. I will have your balls in a jar on my mantle," I said. They laughed "aren't you just scary," said one of the guys, I turn around Cyrus and Peyton backing up slightly.
The boys stopped laughing as they see my face "keep laughing and I will fucking skin you alive," I seethed as I looked at the group of guys and two females. One guy with a scar on his face like me, except his came from his jaw to stop just barely in front of his ear. He glared at me. He has copper skin with black hair sides mid fade with the upper part brushed up to a side quiff. His eyes a hooded dark green color that I feel like I have seen before. "Who do you think your talking to bitch," he asked me, my first day back just like my first day here and I am about to lose my damn temper.
"More importantly who in the fuck are you talking to you vacuous ass! What did you wake up in a bad mood because you didn't get your dick sucked," I shouted as I seethed Cyrus got in my way holding up his arm to stop me. "Your mother fucking lucky it's my first day back and I don't want to get suspended! Or else I'd make you pay for it you fucking insufficient jackass," I shout not backing down as they seem a bit taken back. "Come on J," said Cyrus pulling me back "this ain't over," I yell as we all head to the school now.
Once in the school we all bust out laughing "did you see their faces," Lane asked us "dude I don't think they understood any of the big words you said," Zoey told me. "Alright Stapler, I am glad I got hit and not embarrassed like that," said Owen, oh did I mention that the entire group is cool with him now. Haha. Yeah I may have threaten them to give him a chance, but now they actually like him so it works. "God Julieta the things that come out your mouth when your pissed," Will said "totally badass," Dylan said making us all slightly chuckle or giggle again.
"No one at the home ever got a way with calling me a bitch and not a damn person ever will," I told them with a big old grin on my face it felt good to be around all of them again. "Who are they anyways," I asked everyone "they call themselves Snake Eyes. They are like us but worse," Peyton told me as we walked down the halls. People moving aside for our big old gang, many people staring at us. "They pick on kids for fun, start 95% of fights, and have their own gang too," Lane told me "their leader though is the one who you stood up to with the scar. His name is Vincent Braxton," Derek told me.
Why does that sound so familiar? Oh well. The bell rings signaling for us to get going. "See ya guys," I say to the others as Peyton, Cyrus, and I head to our first period class together. We take our usual seats and wait for the bell ring "so Julieta what you got planned after school," Peyton asked me, I thought for a moment. "Not a damn thing," I said they both smiled at me "we should all hangout tonight," Cyrus said I smiled "yes," I agreed excitedly. "Oh we could go to Hutchin Diner," Peyton suggested "yay," I said getting way to excited making the guys chuckle.
"I will text everyone and see if they can come," Cyrus said quickly pulling his phone out his back pocket I smiled this was great. No Alec to worry about. No Stephanie. At least till lunch. This was perfect. The bell rings and Cyrus slips his phone back into his pocket as Mr. Helemes enters the classroom. "Alright class lets gets started," he said I smiled ready for everything that could come my way now. Nothing could ruin how happy I was. "Alright class so," before he could finish the door is slammed open to reveal none other than Vincent Braxton and two of his goons with him. This isn't gonna be good.

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