(25) Some Thoughtful Thinking

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Scene Five

Owen could barely keep his eyes open the next day at the Beach Shack. It's his own fault, he should not have stayed up so long on the phone with Cassidy, talking about anything and everything. Especially not if he knew he worked today. Owen has never been good with planning his sleep schedule, for some reason he needs to have at least six hours of sleep or else he cannot function the next day.

He only got about three hours of sleep the previous night.

When his head crashed into the counter again, he made a mental note to take a nap after work. But first, he would text Cassidy before and checking in with her.

Cassidy is really making an impact on his life. More than he had figured and more than he would like to admit. Even though he had planned to make an impact on her life, he didn't really think about that be returned. That is why he freaked out and didn't talk to Cassidy for that long period of time.

In all of his life, he cannot remember anybody having a crush on him.

Owen actually does not remember anybody really knowing him. In high school he mainly kept to himself. Owen just had the one friend, Ross. It has just been the two of them for as long as Owen can remember.

Sure Owen has an older brother, but the two of them didn't get along that well. That's the problem when your brother is only a year older and the two of you have nothing in common. Owen's brother, Phil, loves all the guy things; cars, sports, and all of that. Owen on the other hand, does not see why these things are so popular. Heck, he can't even remember all of the things Phil likes, just two things.

Owen does like some 'boy' things. He loves video games. He could spend all day playing them. And he does, whenever he can. Though sometimes he does play video games too much, so instead of going outside and playing with a ball or whatever, Owen picks up a book and reads.

In fact, Owen does love reading more than video games. At least according to his bookcases. His room is full of bookcases, but over half of them are books. The rest are video games for his various gaming consoles.

Even though he has bookcases for his games, the cases just get thrown around all over his desk, which hosts the gaming consoles. Everything is actually thrown around, his room is a total mess. But he's a boy, and that is one thing his brother and him have in common.

"Owen!" he hears from the back of the shack snapping him out of his thoughts.

He spins around and freezes upon seeing his boss staring at him with eyes narrowed in anger. "My office, now!"

"Yes sir," he mumbles as panic overcomes him. His boss is not a very nice guy, he is even worse when tries. Owen's boss really cares more about himself and money rather than his employees and customers. Which he really should, since these are the people who get the money to him.

Owen always freaks out around him, he can barely handle strict people and conflict. It makes him freeze up and start to breath heavy. It also doesn't help that Owen barely slept and is hardly functioning. He hurriedly walks to the boss's office, bumping into people and things on the way there. Standing in front of the closed door, he knocks quietly and waited to be let in.

"Come in, Owen," he hears in a gruff voice.

Owen decided to take a piece of advice that he gave Cassidy, take a deep breath and close your eyes. Owen opened them a second later as he opened the door and slowly walks in.

"Hello, sir, you wanted me?" he asks lightly.

"Yes Owen. I noticed you seem to be having a hard time concentrating today. What could be the cause of that?" he comments leading back in his chair with crossed arms.

"I am not sure, sir," Owen lies not making eye contact. It wasn't even five seconds before he blurted out: "That's a lie. I do know. I didn't get enough sleep last night because I was talking to a friend last night."

His boss nodded and looked at him uncrossing his arms, "go home and take a nap Owen. Come back for dinner rush if you want to or stay home, you can have the day off."

Owen could barely contain his surprise, "Are you sure, sir?"

"You're welcome, just come in tomorrow prepared and well rested." his boss said slapping his hands lightly on his desk.

Owen thanked his boss one more time before stepping out the door. After he closed the door, he leaned against it and let out a breath. Something isn't right. His boss isn't known as a person who would do this. Even though this was a nice gesture, he is not buying.

With that in mind, he slowly walked to the front and out of the shack. As he pulled out his phone and saw a missed text message from Cassidy, all thoughts about the mysterious nice gestures of his boss, disappeared.

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