(39) Have Happy Moments

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Owen || Cassidy


Okay, what Cassidy?

By the way, good morning.

Good morning, Owen.

How are you?

I am doing good. Better now that you texted me. But also a bit confused.

I don't remember asking you a question last time we talked.

No, you didn't. At least not the last thing we talked about. But you did ask me a question.

Alright, now I am even more confused. Can you explain it to me?

You're really going to make me say it now don't you.

Hum, I don't know about that.

Owen, come on now. You know what I am referencing.

No, I really don't.

Owen. Please. Just scroll up and read what we were talking about?

Nope, can't see anything there.

Owen! Please!

Why? It's fun seeing you squirm like this.

Wish I had those emoji things so I could share them with you.

You goofball. You know you can add emojis. And don't act like you don't know how to use them.

Um, can I share a secret?

You can share as many secrets with me. Trust me on that, Owen.

Thank you, Cassidy. And I to you.

Thank you, I trust, Owen.

Now, tell me the secret you need to share.

Okay, truth time.

You're stalling

Okay, fine. I don't know how to use emojis.

Are you serious?

Sadly, yes.

Owen! That is insane. You're a young guy!

I don't know how to use emojis. I don't know what each thing means or what they represent?

I can't believe that

Seriously, it's such a weird thing to believe.

Well, it's true.

But do you know what is true?


I will be teaching you how to use emojis tomorrow when we meet up.

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