(3) Believe in Yourself

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Mystery Guy || Cassidy

Good afternoon, Cassidy.

Good afternoon to you too. It's not all that good for me though.

Why? If you don't mind me asking. That is.

It's fine. Just found out the people who I thought were my friends, aren't.

I'm sorry about that Cassidy. I know that never turns out good.

Yeah, I wish they would have told me they didn't want to continue being my friends. Instead of spreading rumors about me.

Your friends would not, by chance, be Ashley and Lindsey?

Yep. Thats them. The two 'besties without a faulty'.

That doesn't even make sense.

Tell me about it. It doesn't rhyme.

I'm not talking about that. Granted, I agree with you. But that is not what I mean.

Then what do you mean?

... The rumors.

Oh. So you heard them too.

Yeah they came into my work and talking sh*t about you to anyone with ears.

Great. Please tell me you don't work at The Beach Shack.

Sorry, but I can't tell you that.

Of course. The one place they spread the biggest rumors. You hear about them first and in person.

I know. Don't worry sweetheart, I don't believe them.

Why not? They're true.

No they are not.

Yes they are. Everyone know that.

Some people may believe it. I don't.

Why can't you just admit they are true. I say they are. Therefore, they are.

Please tell me you actually don't think that.

It is my life. They are rumors about me. I am the only one who should be able to control them. So, I say they are true, then they are.

Please don't tell me actually believe.

... I've told you multiple times already. Why can't you understand it?

What do you say are true?


I don't care what you say. I don't think so. That's how it is going to go.

Come on. Just admit it.

No. I want you to admit something.

I'll start. You have to admit everything they said - and will probably continue to say - is true.

No, I'm not admitting that. I want you to believe in yourself. And not what others believe.

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