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Owen || Cassidy

Good morning, Owen. How are you?

Good evening, Cassidy. Sorry, I am just able to respond to this now. I have been busy at work.

How are you just able to respond now? I sent that message almost ten hours ago. That's ridiculous.

I don't know. It's not my fault. I do not sit around on my phone all day. At least I try not to.

I am not mad at you, Owen. I know that it wasn't your fault. I just don't understand it at all.

Okay, I'm sorry for lashing out like that.

It's okay. I get that you are probably stressed. But how have you not had a chance to look at your phone? That's what I don't understand.

I was able to look at my lock screen. I was able to see your message, I just couldn't respond to you. I really wanted to, don't get me wrong.

Again, not mad at you. I know work is more important than messaging me. But did you not get a break, at all?

Oh, Cassidy, you've got it all wrong. You are more important than anything. Believe me.

But no, I did not get any breaks.

Thanks, Owen. And I feel the same way as you. That's why I am concerned. How did you not get a single break?

I was the only one scheduled.

Why was that? That seems ridiculous.

Technically, there was another person. My boss loves to do that. Constantly calling and telling them to stay home, that work wasn't busy enough for them to come in. Unfortunately, that left whoever was working - always me - stuck there for the rest of the day. No breaks.

And yes, before you ask, my boss is there. Just sitting in his office doing who knows what.

That's insane, Owen. And I am pretty sure it is illegal having you work that long without any breaks.

Yeah, well what can I do about it.

You could quit. Or report him to someone.

Who would I report him to? He is the owner of the company, I am pretty sure he makes the rules around here.

It's like he is running a sweatshop there. Those are illegal working conditions, forcing you to work from open to close without any breaks. That's insane.

Well, I just have to deal with it.

Why is that?

I need the money.

Do you need the money so badly that you are willing to work in unsafe, illegal work conditions?

Yes, Cassidy, I do. Plus it is so much easier than getting a new job. That takes so much time.

No, that is not true. Not if you have the right mindset and people in your corner.

Oh yeah, who would that be?

You have me, I will always be there for you. And your family.

I highly doubt that. I don't have a family.

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