(24) Find Common Interests

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Good morning, Owen.

Good morning, Cassidy. How are you?

I'm doing pretty good. I have a completely free day and going to spend it laying in bed watching FRIENDS and stuffing my face with popcorn and m&ms.

Popcorn and m&m, huh? That's an interesting combination.

Would you believe me if I said I mix them together as trail mix of sort?

Honestly, I hope you say that. Because I absolutely love that.

Really? That's amazing. It is my favorite snack.

I gotta say, Im surprised. Almost everybody I know, does not like that.

Well, those people are stupid.

Actually, it is just my best friend, Ross. He hates them.

Still, he's stupid. It's the best snack.

You should tell him that. He won't listen to me.

That's not good.

He cares too much about chex mix.

Not going to lie, that is pretty great.

I love them too, but not to the extent he loves them.

Ah, that makes sense.

Okay, do you like the show FRIENDS?

Yes, I do. Why are you asking?

You have a best friend named Ross. Do you have a friend named Chandler or Joey?

No, unfortunately I just have Ross. I do not have any of the girls either. Do you?

No, I do not. Even though I think it would be super cool, I do not have any of the FRIEND character friends.

That would be amazing.

I think it would be cool to have friends with the same name as television characters, book characters and celebrities.

Yeah, I guess it would. But then don't you think that you might subconscious force the character or celebrity on that person?

Possibly. But that's a chance I am willing to take.

Oh really now?

Yes, really.

Wait, was there anything you wanted to talk about today?

No, not really. What about you?

Nope, light conversation is completely fine with me.

Good, because I feel the same.

That's the latest piece of advice, have light conversations.

A very amazing piece of advice.

Well, it's coming from me, right? I am always amazing. ;)

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