(37) Talk it Out

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Owen || Cassidy

Good Morning Owen, how are you doing?

Good morning, Cassidy. Better now that you messaged me.

Hey, that's like the first time you messaged me first, and with pleasantries. I thought you didn't like them.

I know. But you love them, so I thought I'd give it a shot. Plus I wanted to know how you were doing. Or if you thought about anything.

I did. I also think I exaggerate it a bit. It doesn't always happen, just more so recently. I don't understand it.

I think it might be a good idea to talk to him. See what is happening.

I guess, but that also seems a bit childish. I mean I am an adult, I should be running and complaining to my boss.

But it's something that you should do.

I guess. But what would I say?

Just let him know you are a bit stressed out and concerned with how work has been going recently. Let him know that you feel like you are the only one working and it doesn't seem fair. Also mention that you haven't gotten any breaks recently and that you are sure it's against some rules somewhere.

So you basically want me to tell him all of my problems? What about if he fires me or something?

That could be possible. But then you could be working somewhere, someplace that cares for you.

I'm sure he cares for me. At least a little bit.

Owen, I don't think he does.

But everybody likes me. It's impossible not to.

Owen now is not the time for jokes. Or ego-boosting. This is a really important thing to deal with.

Fine, I guess you're right.

So, will you go talk to him?

I guess.

If you are afraid that he will fire you or something like that, maybe ask if everything is okay with him. Maybe he is just struggling in his life and is taking it out on you. It could be unintentional.

Doubt it, but I guess it could be.

Question, how many times can you say 'I guess'?

I don't know how many times. Maybe until it annoys you?

I think we already reached that point.

I figured so.

Okay, back to what we were talking about. I'll go talk to my boss in a couple of days.


Yep, today and tomorrow are a few of my rare days off. And I'd rather not spend it at work or talking to my boss.

Good idea. I'm glad you got a day off for once. What are you planning on doing?

No idea. Probably nothing.

Here's a wild thought, what about if we meet up tomorrow?

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