(6) Be Yourself, You Will Be Amazing

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Mystery Guy || Cassidy

So, you will never guess what happened today.

What's that?

A box got delivered to my work today. For me.

Really? That's pretty cool.

Yeah. There's more to it.

What's that?

It was full of all my favorite stuff.

Huh. So it looks like you have a secret admirer.

Yeah it does. Too bad I think I know who it is.

Really? Who could that be?

I ain't tellin' you.

Oh wow, what's with that spelling?

What do you mean?

First off, ain't isn't really a word. And you didn't put the 'g' on.

I like saying ain't. But I will agree with you on my bad choice of spelling. Thought it would funny and what not.

Okay. Don't do that either, please. You're not a old lady. Anway, let's talk more about your 'secret' admirer.

Sure. What do you want to know?

Who you think it is.

Not happening, Sweetheart.

Why not..... (BTW that was me whining)

I kinda figured.

Yeah. On another note, I have a question.

And that would be...

Do you have any pieces of advice today? I really think I could use some.


On what?

The occasion.

I have a job interview today. Totally not 100 percent prepared.

Don't worry it. Just be yourself, you will be absolutely amazing. I have no doubt about it.

Thank you.

No problem.

Now that it's out of the way. Let's talk about your gift and who you think it was from.

What all do you want to know?

Tell me in detail about what you got and more about who. Like gender, will you tell me that at least?

I said it was all of my favorite things, you know, we talked about them yesterday. And for some reason, I think it was from a girl. Especially since you called it a secret admirer.

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