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[A/N] :

So, guys, I felt to mention a thing. I know y'all are smarties and won't think such a thing, but I felt bad as I thought of myself looking like I put in a bad shade some of the bts members, and of course, I don't want y'all to think I did that on purpose to those lovely cute members and don't look at them the same way you used to. They might look and act differently in fanfictions, but they, in reality, are the same cute babies that we love. So with that said keep it up with reading lovely ARMYs / Y/Ns💝🥺



After I close the phone I couldn't stop crying. I felt terrible for saying that to Yoongi, but I couldn't risk the fact to never see him again. We committed to each other and this will rest this way no matter what happens.
I took out of my purse the little box he gave me, and I open it. I smiled seeing those earrings.

He really wanted me to spend with him the rest of our lives, and so did I. But this fact seems impossible in these moments.

At least I could see him at school right? At least I'll still see him around.

I heard a knock on my door followed by mom's voice. "Honey? May I come in?"

"Ahm sure wait a second mom!" I wipe off my tears and put quickly the earrings back in my purse.

I go to the door and open it quickly.

"Are you okay sweetheart? You have red puffy eyes and you didn't come downstairs at all since we got home. What happened?"

"I'm fine mom. I just think I might catch some cold or one of the allergies got me all of sudden."

"I see. You should take some medicine, should I bring you some? Or a hot tea? Anything?"

"No mom I'm fine really. How are you guys?"

"Well... We wanted to talk about something with you" her tone was so serious all of sudden.

"What is it?"

"Your dad got to leave for some time into a business trip"

"Oh that's fine, he does this often"

"I know, but the thing is during that time I won't be here neither. You know our old aunt Jichu, she's sick. Really sick, and there's no one taking care of her until her kids will come back from their vacation, and also taking her here on a long road isn't an option. I took a month off from my job for this. I hope you understand honey... Will you be alright all alone?"

"I will... But when will you be back and when will you leave?"

"A few weeks hopefully. But I'm not sure I didn't get a surely answer from her boys, they said they'll be back right after the find a flight and I'll leave tomorrow morning, your dad will also go tomorrow right after he leaves at work "

"I understand mom. I'll be alright, don't worry "

"If you want I could talk to your brother and find a way to stay with you during this time-"

"No. I'm fine alone. I really want some time alone since I always spent time with him. " I faked a laugh.

"Alright, sweetie I'll trust you taking care of yourself during this time. I'll leave you enough money and some extra in any cases for buying food and any other things you might need, and also I'll cook tonight some extra to have you to eat tomorrow, alright?"

"Yup. I'll go to sleep now mom, goodnight " I smiled and she nodded heading out of the room. "Have a tight sleep Y/N"

"You too, guys "

I quickly close my door and put myself in bed. At least I'll spend some time alone.

These weeks, I could spend them with Yoongi, only if I would not be this afraid of losing him.

Yoongi's POV

After I drive all way home crying myself about the fact that I could not get any closer to the person I love, again... I unlock the door of my apartment and got in.

The petals and everything I made for her, were still there. This was even more painful for me at that moment.

I just threw myself on the couch and stay there for a while with my face in my palms thinking about what should I do. Thinking about an explication of why the universe doesn't want me to be happy.

Since I was a child until now. I could experience just pain, all that happiness I had during that time, was all fake. The first time I felt happiness is when I get to know Y/N, is when I started hanging out with her until I get that I fell in love with her. And now when we were finally together this happened. Why? Had I done something wrong?

All of sudden a hand touched my shoulder carefully. I look up and saw Jin looking down at me with a worried expression on his face.

"I come here to talk to you, but what happened to your face? You look all beat up..."

"Don't act like you don't know already" I slapped his hand off my shoulder and turn my head to the ground.

"What do you mean Yoongi?"

"What did you tell him? Did you tell him I came from an orphanage where I've been molested several times until my adoptive parents got me? Or did you tell him how bullied I was in school? Or that I tried to suicide more times because of depression? What did you tell him? Which one? Why does Y/N's brother say he knows my story and he thinks I'm a bastard and a player?"

"Yoongi I don't -"

"Jin cut that off. I know already what you planned with Namjoon. I think you are the same person that deleted all my messages and calls from Y/N when I had that breakdown. I shut my mouth because I still thought we were friends after all, but I don't understand why would you do that. What's the purpose of everything?"

"You already have Ji Ah's heart. Why you needed Y/N's too? To make her suffer too? Yoongi you are my friend, but...but I can't wait for you to hurt Y/N and break her heart as you did to my sister."

"What do you mean break her heart? Ji Ah neither liked me back then and now that I started to fall for Y/N she suddenly comes and tells me she liked me. Is not my fault my hearts want Y/N and no one other. And I know is your sister and all but honestly, I think she was just a crush and nothing more "

"Nevertheless. You and Y/N don't belong to each other"

"What? Jin what the fuck are you saying"

"I'm saying that she belongs to me!"

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