Oblivion- 1

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I sat infront of him, watching him argue with his girlfriend Taylor. Angry words went down the halls of the house as they argued over pointless rumors. I stared as her in disbelief. For someone so jealous, she had so much more to hide than he did. I would know, I could see her sneaking around with her phone behind her back around him, it was too obvious. I almost wanted to join the noise, start yelling and wailing myself, but I was silenced, I had been silenced, since November 26th at least.

"Alex, I'm done with these stunts you keep pulling" Taylor said picking up her bag off the bed. She stormed out of the room and stomped down the halls, each step seaming quieter till the front door was slammed. Tears stained his cheeks, a few sobs had escaped his lips since she left, but you could tell he was trying his best to hold them back. His expression changed after a few minutes, he shielded his sad expression with anger and puffed out his chest, as if trying to convince himself that she didnt matter to him as much as she did.

There was so much frustration and anger being released covering his quiet cries. Alex was his name, Alex Gaskarth. Probably one of the few people that that ive always wanted to be with, not necessarily in a relationship, but hes one of those people you just desire to be apart of their everyday life, I had gone through high school with him. He had noticed me in a few classes, even knew my name, but quite possibly never gave me a second glance in school. And now here he was, right in front of me, but I couldnt do anything about it, which was stupid, almost sounds creepy, but have you met me? Hi, I'm Delilah, I'm dead, hows it going? 

People come and go, Alex can't seem to keep a stable relationship to save his life, I think it's the fact that he is in a famous band, the girls that want him either want his money or his fame. Not that its his fault, the world is just really fucked up in this way. I constantly see the girls who he brings home, those girls don't stick around long enough to see him, to see past the shiny lights and the security guards. see him, the real him. But he doesn't see me.

"Dammit Alex" I tried to use my voice, but my lips just moved. I ran my hand down his cheek, tracing his fallen tear, pulling away quickly when he shivered against my touch. I wish i could be someone to him.

"Honey, I'm home!" A familiar voice sounded from the front door. Loud thuds were echoed throughout the house, signaling someone running upstairs. The door swung opens revealing a smiling Jack, Alex's best friend. His cute grin faded as he found his friend slumped over, sulking in his bed. When Alex noticed the tall figure in front of him, he quickly went to wipe away any strays that has escaped his eyes. "Oh uh hi"  Alex cleared his voice to keep his voice from cracking. Jack started towards him, he was cautious on his movements, almost scared to bring up the wrong things.

"Hey man, I- was it Taylor?" He asked crouching down next to his best friend. I nodded to him vigorously, rolling my eyes.

"I can't believe her" He muttered to himself.

"I know" My lips moved, I was almost in this conversation, almost.

"She accused me of cheating again" Alex's small voice interrupted the silence.

"Exactly!!" I yell, kinda. Alex sniffled and Jack attempted a smile to lighten the mood slightly, but it surfaced pained. I kept pacing, pulling a strand of hair between my fingers, twirling it around. Alex remained in silence as Jack tried to comfort him. In this state, Alex looked so vulnerable, one thing he didnt let show to anyone. He barely let his band see him this way, but Jack still knew how to get a slight smile out of him.

I couldn't help but get frustrated, Taylor has done so much damage to him, all the girls hes been with have. Lisa, Mia, Alexis, Julianne, now Taylor. It was eating me inside out. He was a prize, his fame made him out as a trophy or a level up. Once they got what they wanted, they dropped him like a used item.  


"Come on, it'll be fun!" Jack encuraged Alex to leave his house, mostly bribed with paying for dinner or buy him a new- well something. Alex hasn't been able to leave the house lately, he's been real busy with mourning and sometimes writing new songs but the papers where littered all over the house making it look more like trash than art. "Get up dude, me and the guys are going to a club Zack found!" Alex just sat there staring at the crack on the wall, finding it more interesting that his best friend. It's been at least 20 minutes with Jack shaking and bothering Alex about going to this so called "greatest place ive ever seen". 

"I wish you could see" I whisper, smiling weakly. Nobody realizes the pain of seeing the one you love feel pained becuase they are in love with someone else.

"Buddy" Jack sighed in defeat. "Fine, stay here. I'll be back in the morning okay?" He flashed his smile at Alex and ruffled his hair slightly before running out. After we heard the front door slam, Alex lazily lifted himself off the bed and made his way to the shower. As soon as I knew he was in the shower I walked into the bathroom and sat on the sink counter space. I was torn hearing him cry, I bit my lip sligthly

"Where did I go wrong?" Alex's whimpers loudly, only shattering my dead beat heart.

"Shhhh, it's okay" I speak calmingly, I relax into the fog of the steaming shower. The shower suddenly stops, and I snap my eyes open and sit up as Alex's head pops out of the side of the curtains. I smile warmingly and as I open my mouth to comment he speaks.

"Hello? Is anyone here?" Confusion crosses my face, almost laughing as if he said a joke.

"There is no one here other than you, you idiot" I laugh, leaning against the wall again and closing my eyes. I hear quick rustling and he walks out of the shower. I jump up walk out following him shortly after and find him slipping on jeans. He quickly grabbed a baseball bat and I let out a laugh. He was seriously being comical.

"I swear to god Alex" I let out another laugh. There was complete silence, I looked at him with a smile  "Alex?" he looked terrified.

"I can hear you" he said loudly, he slowly backed up, the sides of my lips had pulled down. I wasnt sure if he had become delusional, becuase the only person in this house was himself. I stared at him in complete concern.

"Jesus Alex" I started.

"Don't 'jesus Alex' me" He said, his voice trembling slightly, I couldn't believe this. For a moment, it was so quiet I could hear a pin drop from the neighbors house.

"Can you hear me?" I sat on the edge of my bed, folding my hands together

"Yeah, I can hear you! Now show your face" he demanded, absolutly no words could describe the way I felt at that moment. If you took every emotion ever, and blended them until pure liquid, that would be me right at this moment. 


what do you think? i just came up with this and i didnt whant to forget in the morning so i wrote this at 12 something :) vote/comment

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