Chapter-13 Change of attitude much

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The next morning I woke up in peters bed alone, I could never remember how I got there, whether Peter carried me or I walked myself I stretched out my arms aching for the warmth that managed to surround him 24/7 only to be disappointed. I managed to pull myself out of bed and had one of my fan-girly moment jumping up and down and yelling he kissed me! He loves me! In my head and my disappointed look was quickly replaced with a smile as a brushed my hair with my finger tips and smoothed down my shirt.
I walked outside with a strangely cheery attitude and found the boys running around the house.
I was looking for someone but didn't know who until I set my eyes on him, Dallas.
He was laying on a couch with the blanket over his head.
I decided to be a little crazy and jump on his stomach so I ran up and smashed my ass on his stomach as lightly as I could or as lightly as anybody could after a big run up.
"Ughhhhh!!" Dallas yelled and kicked me off.
I exploded in a bunch of laughter.
Most of the boys had turned around to see what was going on and they chuckled along with me.
I even noticed slightly giving a bit of a chuckle.
I smiled even more and watched Dallas crawl of the couch and steadying himself. he must have been in a deep sleep.
"I'm so gonna kill you Melody!" He yelled and I took that as my cue to run.
I ran outside and ran and ran waiting for him to get tired but jeesh he would never slow down, I eventually had to slow down and rested my hands on my thighs.
"Ok ok you win" I puffed
he just smiled smugly and waited until I recovered.
I took 5 minutes to get my heart rate back to normal, I'm really unfit I know.
But once I could stand up straight Dallas took my hand and said something that I had been dreading.
"I wanted to talk to you about what happened the other night" he said squeezing my hand.

I took my hand out of his in the most polite way I could hoping he didn't realise.
Of course he realised he has nerves in his hand you know?.
Wait who are you?
I'm your mind duh.
Wait so I'm talking to myself?
Pretty much.
Oh... But isn't talking to yourself the first sign to-
Insanity yep.
Um ok?
I somehow managed to pull myself out of that conversation and massaged my hand pretending I had a cramp.
"Um... what happened the other night again?"
"You know what happened don't play dumb!" He nearly yelled.
I took a step back.
"Ok ok you don't need to yell" I whispered
We both stood there for a while in awkward silence, he looked at me I looked at the ground.
"Mel the truth is I've always really liked you but that night I was pulled away from your room and told I was never to see you again I realised that I wish I could've taken to a different stage with you more than friendship you know? And then when Pan brings you here I think this isn't coincidence, its fate because I love you Mel" he finished his sentence and started leaning in towards me when his lips were like 2 cm away from mine I put my hands on his chest and pushed him away slowly.
"Dallas, I-" I whispered taking a sudden interest in the ground.
"You don't feel that way for me do you?" He said using a finger to bring my eyes into his heartbroken ones.
"I don't know I don't know what my feelings are!" I whispered yelled if there's even a thing.
"Because of Pan" he stated annoyed a and angry, it wasn't a question he knew me too well.
"Dallas" I began but was cut off by him walking away.
I just got him back and I've already lost him. I thought and slid my back down a tree just like a did with the door the last time I lost him. But it hurt so much more this time, because he chose to leave me.
I sat down under the tree and started ripping the bark off it trying to hold back tears.

So dramatic I know haha.
I have a thing for drama atm I know that's so weird.
Sorry for the late updates I'm such a poo bum.
Omg divergent is amazing!!
I was actually considering ditching this book and starting a divergent fanfic but then i had a lightbulb moment and was just like in the middle of the night.
What if I mixed divergent into this book!!
I think it would be a great idea tbh not trying to brag but I'm a frigen genius!!! What do you guys think?!?!
I would like to say a massive thank you to Anissa_bruh for commenting and voting all the way so far I really appreciate it thanx!!!
Love you's

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