Chapter- 5 Tink

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We eventually got to Neverland, much quicker than I thought we would. I mean if somebody tells you you have to fly through a star and on until morning and it's pretty much 11:00 pm at the place you exited from it would take at least 2 hours wouldn't it ?
Well it felt like only 10 minutes.
I was still kinda drowsy so when the sun hit my closed eyelids I immediately jumped.
" calm Down little one" a voice chuckled in my ear.
His voice...
For some reason I kept my eyes shut like a little child waiting for a surprise present.
I felt us slow down and land on .. a bed? It was soft and fluffy like fairy floss minus the stickiness.
"Open your eyes little one" he said trying to hide the excitement in his voice, I don't know why he kept calling me little one when he looked about the same age as me maybe younger.
I inched my eyelids up slowly and took everything in the first thing I noticed was that I was standing on a cloud, a cloud! The sky that I guess we were part of now was a light purple-blueish colour and below our cloud I had a perfect view of a evil looking boat with many men running around on deck.
The seas colour was an impossible colour it was almost completely see through with a tiny blue tinge in it. my eyes now darted to the forest. the trees were perfect in shape like a fairy tale and were every colour of green, if all the colours in the rainbow were different shades of green this is what it would look like.
The whole thing was like a dream I wanted to cry from happiness.
I always dreamed of escaping from that hell hole and imagined back streets and eating garbage and that even seemed better to me than my palace. but this place this place was heaven.
"Wow" was all I could choke out
I saw out of the corner out of my eye his smug look.
But even him himself seemed amazed at the beautiful place that I guessed was his home.
"It really is great here" he stated.
At that moment I noticed a little bright light flying towards us. once it got closer I could make out its small fragile human frame. But she had wings??
"Hey tink!" This strange boy excailed holding out his hand so that this small what I decided was a fairy could land and sit on his palm.
She turned to look at me and gave me a look which I couldn't understand because her pretty face was so tiny.
She quickly flew up to peters shoulder and leaned into his ear. Cupping her hands as if I even had a chance of hearing her.
"Tink this is Melody, Melody, Tink" he said.
"Hi" I said shyly
Her colour turned to almost a dark pinky colour and she completely ignored my greeting.
she whispered something into this boys ear and I waited for his response so I would have a clue of what they were talking about.
"What? No!" He said at one point
"Please tink don't be like this"
"Let me just show her around?"
"Ok, ok! I get it just do it alright?"
By now I was totally lost and confused
The fairy animal thing came over to me and floated in front of my face with a glare, she then flew around and around my body leaving little gold circles around me. I started feeling an amazing sensation it was sort of like burning but nice burning all me skin was tingling it felt magical.
When I looked down I noticed that I was at least a foot off the ground!
The boy and the little girls named Tink were both giggling at my awe.

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