Chapter-12 Again

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I walked back to find Peter bouncing around in the sky it was the most graceful thing I had ever seen and he wasn't even being grateful on purpose.
I listened in to what he was telling the boys that surrounded him on the ground.
"And she tells stories, oh she is the most magnificent story teller!"
He does a backflip in the air and then suddenly thinks of a great idea and a smile covered his face.
"Oh boys what if I brought her here? I left my shadow their so I have to go back anyways ! Oh boys wouldn't it be great if a girl came to tell us stories??" He exclaimed.
The boys jumped up and nodded.
"More girls!" Slightly spat at the ground.
And the corner of his his eye caught my silhouette.
"Whoops" he said facing me full on and blushing slightly.
This was the time Peter noticed I was standing there.
He flew over to me and wrapped his arm over my shoulders making my spine shiver.
"Hey how was the rest of your day?" He asked
"It was ok, can I talk to you later please?" I said a little shyly.
he gave me a puzzled look and took my hand in his and walked to one of the tents with me.
"Yeah what's wrong?" He asked looking concerned.
"Uh... it's about staying here" I started
"Your boys don't really like me and I'm pretty sure there's a no girl policy here" I said giving a pointed look at the boys passing by the tent.
"Mel, I really like you and I would abandon my whole crew to be able to stay with you" he said wrapping his arms around me so I was covered with his fresh scent.
I just nodded into his shoulders and whispered "thank you"
With that he squeezed me a little tighter than let go completely.
I struggled the urge to 'faint' so I could be in his arms again.
"Anything else?" He asked politely his fingers fiddling with leaves from the bottom of his shirt.
"Uh.. no never mind" I answered
He took a step towards me.
"Yeah there is, what is it?" He asked
"Are not"
"Are too"
He gave me a childish smile that reminded me of a little boy excited about Christmas.
"No but seriously" he said taking another step towards me.
"You know you can tell me anything ok?"
I nodded
"Yeah" i said with a smile.
"Good" he nodded.
We were extremely close together now that our noses were about an inch away from each other.
We were staring straight into each other's eyes. I saw bright green with specks of gold and he must be seeing my blue ones with all shades of blue in them.
We stood like this for who knows long, it could've been minutes or hours.
But when I noticed his eyes flicker down my face for less than a second time for a bit longer.
I let my eyes flicker to his for the tiniest moment but when my eyes came back to his I knew he had realised.
He leant in so his nose was a millimetre away from mine and rested his arms on my waist.
I just stood there and I think he might've got confused at my lack of movement so I slowly leant in as well so I could feel his warm breath on my lips.
I wanted to be closer to him though so I wrapped my arms around his neck.
He let out a breathe I didn't realise he had been holding obviously not thinking that I wanted to reject him any more.
He pulled me closer so that his lips were only just touching mine and looked to the side moving his lips away from me.
"Peter" I whispered pulling his head gently back to me.
He gave me a smile and I pulled his head to mine.
"I love you" he whispered into the air just before our lips touched.
The kiss was very light at first but quickly became deep and less hesitant.
And this time I didn't pull away.


What do u think!!!??? XD
Hope you liked.
Ok so the shipping names are
Dallody for melody and Dallas
Pelody for melody and Peter
I know there not the best shipping names...
Oh well
Sorry for another late update guys if you stop reading I get it but please don't message me privately like some of you have been just leave it and move on :)
Also some of you guys were wondering what my social media was and they are:
Instagram: @heythereitssavvy
Kik: Savvyloveslol
Thanx for reading guys love you!! ❤️
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