Chapter- 6 Magic

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A//N plz comment and vote and I will update faster also text me ideas.
Should Peter fall in love with mel? Should mel fall for Peter? Should mel fall for another guy?? What was mel even brought to Neverland for anyway??? All will be revealed but your texts and comments make the story!!!
P.s. sorry about the photo 😂😂 Wendy's mid speech.
Savvy xx

When the fairy flew away I bombarded this strange boy with questions:
"How is this even possible?"
"Why did you bring me here?"
"Was that a fairy?"
And then finally
"You didn't even tell me your name!"
The boy laughed hard at this.
Thats all he seems to do..
"You will see"
"Yes and one with a very bad attitude"
he answered my questions without delay.
"And my name" he paused and put his hand on his hips "my name is Peter, Peter Pan!"
He announced with the smuggest smile that I didn't even think a boy his age could carry.
I had to giggle at his childishness, I was actually feeling real happiness this boy seemed to be radiating with happiness and adventurousness.
He suddenly jumped off the side of the cloud and my happiness seemed to go with it.
"Peter!" I yelled
He quickly flew back making it look like second nature, I wonder if flying was common here.
"Well aren't you coming?" He asked with the nicest smile he could muster.
"I guess..." I glanced uneasily at the edge of the cloud.
"I'll teach you to fly" he stated holding out his hand for me to grab "here" he said shyly.
I grabbed his hand and jumped I immediately shot downwards and was swept with a coat of fear.
I am going to die, I'm going to die, I'm going to die my mind chanted continuously.
"Think happy thoughts!!" Peter yelled over the wind.
I tried my hardest and thought of the times I used to play hide and seek with my only friend Dallas at the palace.
I slowly felt myself float upwards and opened my eyes that I didn't know we're closed shut.
I looked up at Peter and he looked down at me, I floated to the same level as him, I was really getting the hang of this flying thing. But I held onto his hand anyways just in case and maybe one tiny part of me wanted to.
We flew over trees and trees and I realised Neverland was actually an island. I couldn't see any islands next to it because we weren't high up enough, but from were we were I could see what looked like an eternity of trees.
We were still flying hand in hand for who knows how long.
Every so often we would float lower down in sync so Peter could show me little things like the evil pirate ship where evil pirates housed, or the mermaid coven where the mermaids were what I decided was physic.
And then we finally stopped in front of a massive tree with beautiful purpley-pink colour.
"Home sweet home" Peter sighed content.
And then he slid down through a doorway through the roots of the tree.
I quickly followed but was surprised when it turned into a slide.
Next thing you knew I was squealing with delight and was disappointed to see that the ride was over. I got up and dusted my nightgown off.
"Can I go again" I almost yelled jumping up and down.
My excitement was short lived when I realised I when I realised standing in front of me was like 20 of the most good looking people I have ever seen. they aged from around 13-17 and is there something in the water here because these guys were hella hot.
But 1 of the boys that looked around a year older than me looked so familiar and then it clicked.

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