Chapter- 10 Swimming

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When I woke I was surprised to find myself in an actual room not a bunk like last night. I flung my arms out to appreciate all the space I had only to find that my left hand hadn't hit the other side of the bed.
It hit a very handsome young boy with a strong frame and hair brown and blonde in the nose.
"Uhhhhh" the boy woke "ow" he exclaimed.
I completely lost it and laughed for like 5 minutes straight.
"Peter I'm so sorry" I managed to choke out through the laughs.
"Hilarious!" He said sarcastically
"It actually was" I lost it in another fit of giggles and fell off the bed.
This caused Peter to lose it and by the time we both got out of the room all the other boys were standing outside in a row. All of them with one eyebrow raised and knowing looks on their faces all except Dallas who was frowning.
Then I realised what this must look like.
It looked like we slept together. Well we kinda did but all we did was sleep nothing else! We didn't even kiss.

Peters laugh stopped abruptly after he realised the same thing.
"This is not what it looks like" me and Peter say at the exact same time.
All the boys mutter a yeah sure and giggle to themselves while they walk off and do there own things.
My face blushes bright pink as I walk up to Dallas but he walk in the other direction.
"I need to go for a walk" I say and start walking to the opposite door to Dallas with my head down.
"It's too dangerous to go out alone!" States Peter
"fine I say crossing my arms and sitting on the couch glaring at the floor trying to work out why Dallas had that look on his face, it wasn't jealousy. me and him were always just friends, I think it was just because he was worried.
Peter came back out of his room with a bunch of clothes in his hand.
"Here put these on" he said in a small voice.
I looked down at my dressing gown and noticed how disgusting I must look.
My hair has been u brushed and awfully knotty for nearly 3 days, my dressing gown was ripped in places and had mud so latched and bits of bark stuck to it.
My skin was also as filthy as my nightgown. I had gone from very pale to a light brown in days.
"Thanks" I said accepting the clothes.
"Is there any place I could wash?" I asked.
"Yeah there's a waterhole just around the tree" he stated.
"Ok thanx" I said with a small smile.
I started walking towards the door again but he stopped me.
He looked like he was going to say something but decided against it, "Uhhh ill show you where it is" he said looking down "don't want you to get lost you know?" He said scratching the back of his head.
"Um ok yeah sure"
When I finally emerged out of the door I was amazed by how light it was. it must only be around 7.
"What time is it?"
"No but like the actual time?"
"There isn't one" he gave me a strange look
And we were plunged into an awkward silence again.
"Mel?" He suddenly said when we had reached the clear waters of the waterhole.
"Yeah?" I turned looking at him.
"About that question that I asked you last night, just before you fell aslee--"
I cut him off
"What question?" I asked confused.
"You don't remember?" He looked confused.
"Noooooo?" I dragged it out "tell me"
"Nah it doesn't matter, I mean you already answered soooo" he said also dragging the last word out.
"Peter! Tell me" I said crossing my arms and squinting my eyes.
"You can't make me" he said giving me a smirk and a wink.
He was standing right on the edge of the waterhole. I took this as my chance to push him in.
"Woah" he said losing his balance and getting about his ankles wet. Until he flew up and did a front flip over me in mid air than landed behind me I quickly turned around to meet him nose to nose and gasped at how close we were. I let out a hysterical giggle that I couldn't stop even when he pushed me in the water.
"Ahhhhh" I managed to get out through my giggling.
"That's not fair!!" I yelled at him pretending to be angry. I was completely drenched.
He floated right over me and laid down in the air leaving his feet dangling in my face.
As he exploded in a fit of chuckles I grabbed his foot and pulled it under water then not letting go of his foot.
He could no longer stay in the air and plunged down into the water in surprise.
He managed to tear his foot away from my grip only to grab one of my hands with his. we both swam deeper and deeper together until we had reached the bottom. it was so clear down here that I could still see everything clearly. like we weren't even underwater.
My hair started to flow around my face like the mermaids I had seen at mermaid lagoon.
He smiled at me and pushed my hair backwards.
I noticed that his hair was actually more blonde than brown but on land all the dirt got caught in it making it look like it was a mousy brown.
His eyes shown brighter down here as well. I noticed that his eyes were not only green but had brown and blue specks in them as well.
I scanned his whole face until I reached his lips.
They were pink underwater not a bright pink. Like a skin colour pink and they looked so delicate.
I looked back up at his eyes to distract myself from his lips but noticed his eyes were set on my lips as well.

Ok so I know I haven't updated much and I'm really sorry but I wrote two long chapters to cheer you up!
I know it probably didn't work but I'm trying.
-Savvy 💋

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