Chapter- 8 Flashbacks

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*The next morning*
"Mel, mel?" Dallas was whispering to me me.
"Mel?" Dallas shook me.
I slowly opened my eyes and took in the lack of light, it must only be around 3am in the morning.
It felt to be up before the chefs and cooks on the level below her.
I turned to face Dallas.
Dallas was a slave that I had met one day in the gardens.
He worked in the farm and since I hadn't had quite an experience at friends we started pretty rough. But we had to hold on to each other through thick and thin because we were each other's only friends.
"Yeah?" I mumbled pulling the blanket over my head trying to keep the little light that was waking me up.
"I..." Dallas was interrupted by the sound of a chef that always suspected something between Dallas and I.
You see as part of the royal court one of the number one rules was that servants or slaves do not talk unless the servants are asking about the task that the royalty have given them.
So you see, one very close member of the royal court finding a servant inside the future queens bed sentenced Dallas straight to face a judge.
"OUT GET OUT!! STUPID FARM BOY THINK YOU CAN TALK TO US, GET OUT!!!!" the chef shouted at my only friend.
"STOP!" I yelled pulling Dallas away from the chef and tucking him behind my back.
"please" I begged "please don't take him away, he's all I have" I continued.
But it was too late more staff and royal court came up and peeled him away from me.
I ran after him but was locked in my room, my room which so earlier had been one of my rare happy moments that had been destroyed in a matter of seconds.
They had not locked me in quick enough to see one of the cooks hit him over the head with a wooden rolling pin. sending him into complete and utter darkness.
I sank to my knees sliding my back down the door and just cried and cried until I eventually fell asleep.
The next morning I woke leaning on my door in confusion, then like a wave of water the memories washed over me again and drowned me in sorrow.
I opened my door slowly and took in the chaos.
There was security guards roaming around the place like it were a crime scene. But then again in rich people's eyes I guess it was.
"What's going on?" I ordered the closest one.
He looked at me with worry, I probably looked like shit with makeup running down my face and my hair hanging out in places, my eyes droopy from loss of sleep and loss of my one and only friend.
"Uh g'morning miss" he said Bowing to me.
"Yeah not really, so?" I said my mouth dripping with attitude not even bothering to curtsy back.
"Dallas has escaped, so were guarding you room and and the area surrounding it so he doesn't come back for you." He said awkwardly "You know wouldn't wanna lose you miss" he added quickly.
I lost it, absolutely lost it I laughed and laughed until the whole 20 police officers and guards were all staring at me like I needed help but still continued.
"You think he'll come back! Really guys!! Are you all idiots?" I managed to choke out. "He's free!" I yelled at all of them giving them all another lunatic laugh.
And turned around and slammed my door in there face.
I knew that he would never come back to this hell hole not for his life, not even for me.
But all I could do was hope I let a tiny bit of me hope that he would come back for me, take me with him wherever he went. Because hope is all I would ever have to hang onto.
"Yeah?" I whispered back shuddering at the memories this brought back.
"I really missed you" he whispered back
I turned to look at him with a fake scowl on my face and whispered back slightly louder "you woke me up to say that?!"
He chuckled "nice to know I was missed to"
I smiled smugly "who said that I missed you?" I said with sarcasm.
"Uhhh I hate you" he grumbled and rolled out of his own bed and walked out the door.
I finally used this time to actually have a good look at the place. the walls and ceiling was made completely of the trees roots curled and twisted perfectly to make a sort of dome like place.
Some of the roots had even made their way into our little hideout and were carved into little wooden bookshelves and makeshift chairs and even a table. This place was truly amazing. After a while I also crawled out of the door Dallas walked out of and went to meet my first full day in Neverland.

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