Chapter 10

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Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoy.


I coughed out some water as I dragged Honey and I to shore.He was also coughing. "You okay Honey?" He coughed and nodded. "I'm okay!" I let out a sigh of relief. I wonder what happened though. I looked over at Honey. I noticed his arm was injured. "Honey, your arm." He looked down at the gash. His eyes widened. He started freaking out. "Calm down." He looked at me. "What are we going to do?!"

I sighed and ripped off my left sleeve. "Hand me your arm." He gave it and I began rapping it. Once I was done, I picked him up. "Let's go." I began walking in a random direction. He just laid his head on my shoulder. "Are you okay?" I looked at him. "Yea." As I said that, there was a pain in my leg. I just ignored it and continued walking. After a bit, he got hungry. I stopped at a tree with bananas at the top.

"You think you can climb the tree to get the bananas?" "Yay! I get to be a monkey!" I nodded. He started climbing as I sat on a rock. I looked down at my right leg. There was a gash like Honey's on his arm. Except his was smaller. It could heal with no scar. I think mine might have a scar. I sighed as I ripped off my right sleeve. They were going to find out sooner or later. I wrapped it around my leg. Honey came back down.

"Gem-chan?" I smiled at him. "Yes?" His eyes were wide. "You're hurt?" I shrugged. "I'm fine." "Sit here while I find the others!" I shook my head. "I'm good. We'll find the others." I stood and he noticed my arm. "G...Gem-chan?" I looked at him and saw he was looking at my arm. I looked down at my tattoo and the burn. "Which one surprises you? I can't tell."

"B...both." "The tattoo is part of this club. The burn is nothing much." Just another gift from dear mother. "" I nodded. "I'm in this underground club called Nightshade Jupiter. Great place for dancing." I picked up Honey and continued walking.

After awhile, it started to rain. We both ran underneath a tree covering. "So what are we going to do if we can't find a way out of here?" Honey shrugged. "We will!" He went to climb another tree when he saw something. "I see them! They're in trouble!" "Go! I'll follow behind you!" He nodded and grabbed a vine.

I followed as he swung away. I got there in time to see Honey kick butt. "You guys should be more careful of who you mess with. Messing with my friends is a big no no." I giggled. A pain shot up my leg. Well, this is going to bite me in the butt later. "Haruhi!" I looked over to see Tamaki and the others running forward. They were talking about how Honey didn't kill them. Apparently he's a martial arts master. It's best to not get him mad.

I walked over and while Honey was explaining what happened. "Gem-chan pulled us out of the water and we got looking for you." Mori pulled up his arm that was wrapped with my sleeve. "What happened?" Honey smiled at him. "I got hurt and Gem-chan helped me!" He seemed to remember something. He quickly looked at me. "Gem-chan! You're hurt!" I shrugged as Mori came over.

The others were checking on Haruhi. Mori looked at me and I felt myself go red. Why must hot guys stare at me like that? Honey looked up at Mori. "He hurt his leg." I glanced down. "I guess you're right." Honey sighed. That surprised me. Isn't he happy all the time? It's like he takes pills. Anyway, Mori swept me off my feet and into a bridal carry. Are you kidding me? I squirmed.

"Set me down Mori." "No." After a few minutes of trying to get out of his grip, I gave up. I just went limp. My arm hung over the edge and just swayed. "We humbly apologize." We turned around to see the police people bowing. I tilted my head. "I'm a 2nd generation student of the Ishizuka Dojo!" "I am a student of the Todoroki Dojo!" "And I'm from the Otake Dojo! We are in your debt!" Hold the phone, Todoroki?

Did a hero no longer work for him? Pft, I crack myself up. I looked over at Honey. "Why?" Even he's confused? "Is something wrong?" "Yes, sir! We're so sorry, sir! We were unaware that we were searching for Mitsukuni Hanozuka." I giggled. "You guys are so uptight. If Honey didn't already forgive you, you'd still be out." They looked at me and their eyes widened. They bowed deeper.

"We're so sorry!" Huh? Maybe they were talking to Mori? Even the other's seem confused. "I'm sorry but who are you talking to?" "The one with the red dragon tattoo." Oh shit. The others looked at me and I tried to pull my arm out of sight. It was too late though. The twins quickly grabbed my arm. "You have a tattoo?" "Yea, comes with what I do." Kyoya looked at the police.

"Explain please." "Or don't. I mean that's fine too." But my pleas were ignored. "The dragon tattoo is the sign of the Nightshade Jupiter club." I flinched. They knew what club. Are you kidding me?! "We could not talk about this anymore." One looked at me. "What color?" I sighed. "Dark blue." They quickly bowed again. The others looked confused. Honey raised his hand. "What does color have to do with anything?"

"We can not say sir!" I smiled. I guess I could keep my secret a little longer. Thank the heavens. Pft, another joke. They looked at me confused. I shrugged. "Don't ask me about it. Can we just go home? I'm tired." Mori looked at Honey who nodded at the others. "Let's go home!" We started walking towards the exit as the guards disappeared. When I snuggled into his arms as I felt a breeze. What the heck is with this place?

At least Mori was warm. Then Hikaru started talking. "You know, maybe we should go to the beach next." Kaoru agreed. "Yeah, the beach would be nice." Tamaki had a different opinion. "You idiots, Haruhi isn't interested in anything like that." I chuckled as Haruhi proved him wrong. "Actually, I might like to go to the beach. I may not be into this silly water park, but I like the ocean. It would be nice and it's so pretty." Tamaki's eyes widened.

"Yeah. All right. Then that's where we'll go next time." Honey cheered. "We're all gonna go to the beach, Tama-chan? That'll be fun, don't you think." Mori nodded. "Yeah." They looked at me. "I think it will be fun. I heard a lot about the beach." Haruhi smiled. As we exited, Mori let me down so I could climb into a car. "Mori, I'm fine." He just sat next to me while Honey was in front of us, grinning. I sighed. Sleep time.

I laid my head on Mori's shoulder and closed my eyes. I let the darkness take me. I let the tattoo problem and the burn problem later. Right now, sleep.


Thank you for reading. The winner is Mori but let me know if you want me to change. At least give me a reason though. That's all. I'll see you in the next chapter. Bye.

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