Chapter 21

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Gema watched as his father looked around the room. His glare fell on each host except for Haruhi.

"Hi, Mr. Karakau." Haruhi waved.

"Haruhi. Welcome back. Now does someone want to explain why I came home to see my son running from my loving wife while there are several boys in the kitchen?" He asked as he crossed his arms.

"Mel! Bem-vindos ao lar! Seu filho é um covarde. Fale um pouco de juízo nele." Gema's mother said while kissing her husband on the cheek. (Honey! Welcome home! Your son is a coward! Speak a little sense of him!)

Gema let out an offended gasp. "Eu não sou! Pai, ela está mentindo!" (No, I'm not. Dad, she's lying!)

He sighed. "Enough, please. I just want someone to explain. Please. I'm tired."

Gema laughed as he realized. "Was the girl flirting with you again?"

His mother's eyes narrowed. "That disjuntor da família is talking to you?" (Family breaker)

"It's not my fault dear! I swear! She keeps following me like a stalker at work! I only have eyes for you and I don't think my business partner would like her dead! I'll speak to someone to keep her away! She won't try anything again! Promise honey!" He rushed out.

The hosts, minus Haruhi, stared at this. In all fairness, this guy, who they now knew to be Gema's father, glared at them like they were something gross he stepped on, into a husband trying to calm his wife.

"Fine. Now tell your son to stop being scared." She relented as she went back to their baking.

He looked over at Gema. "What are you scared of?"

Gema groaned and walked back to the island. Instead of helping his mother, he went to Mori and Kyoya. He pulled up a stool between the both of them and flopped on the chair. He laid his head on Kyoya's lap and set his legs on Mori's lap.

"Mamã wants grandchildren." He said as if it explained the whole situation.

"Oh, this again. Dear, I love you, but he's only in high school. Too young to be having children."

"You don't compreender. Ele gosta desses dois garotos" She pointed at Kyoya and Mori. (understand. He likes these two boys.)

Gema's grumbled as he didn't move. Kyoya had started threading his fingers through his hair after taking out the ponytail. Mori was just watching the two of them silently.

His dad scoffed. "It's obvious. I mean look at him."

"Eles não estão namorando." (They're not dating)



"I'm right here now with my friends too. We can hear you." Gema said as he leaned into Kyoya's hand.

The twins let out gasps. "You do think of us as friends! Haruhi, did you hear?!"

"Nope, I change my mind. Strangers followed me home and Mama invited them in. It's not my fault."

That got his dad chuckling. "Again dear? We've talked about this. You can't bring over strangers and say that they looked like they needed food. Most of the time, they were just lost."

"O que você está tentando dizer? Eu sequestro pessoas?" (What are you trying to say? I kidnap people?) She asked in a dangerous tone.

"Of course not dear. You're just a bit on the friendly side is all." He rushed to defend.

After a few moments of quiet, she nodded and went back to baking. Gema and his dad exchanged a look before letting out a small chuckle.

"So care to introduce me to your friends and boyfriends?"

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