Update and Gema explanation

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Sorry I haven't updated this in a while. Needless to say, I forgot about it. Not even going to try and cover it up with I've been busy or something. I completely forgot about it until my brother brought up the show and I was like oh shit, I have a fanfic I wrote.

I check it and I haven't updated since April. *sweats* So I do apologize. Few changes though. 

1. I hate Tamaki so fucking much so Haruhi will not end up with him. If you don't like that then well, sucks to be you? 

2. I'm thinking about making this a poly relationship between Kyoya Mori and Gema. I have to go roll dice to figure it out. If it's above a 10, then poly relationship. If lower, then just Mori and Gema. Edit: It was 13 so the poly is happening. 

3. I love Honey and his Goth wife so we're going with that. I might even introduce to the story early on. Edit: Wife will now be introduced in later episodes/chapters. 

4. Hikaru, Kaoru, and Haruhi might be one relationship or Benibara and Haruhi. Who knows? Edit: I know who she's gonna end up with

5. I now have a new writing style so it will be cleaner and easier to read.  

6. I'm not rewriting because that's so much work but I'll try to explain things better now. 

~Gema explanation~

I realized how poorly written this is. I know some people like this but this was made horribly to my standards. I also realize how my writing standards have changed. There are so many plot holes that it annoys me so let me fill some people who were confused in without giving too much away.

As shown in Chapter 7, Renge gives some of his backstory. Gema was traumatized by his abusive mother when he was 8. I never stated how in both my notes or story. It kinda annoys me so I have to figure out how now. She left him with his father who I also don't have much about in my notes. Go me

He was bullied for his eyes so he grew out his bangs. Simple right? Wrong. I never put in the notes if they show up again or not or who they were. I also didn't bother putting at what age he was. So I have to roll some dice again for that. 

In Chapter 8 it is shown that Gema can tell the twins apart. In my notes it tells me that I was planning on Gema being really observant due to his childhood. (Wasn't planning on putting that in the story T-T) Basically, because of his abusive mother he now pays attention to a lot of things. I never bothered showing this in the story for reasons why I don't even know at this point. 

Also, I never state what the mother's job is so I'll do that later in the story. Wooo. I gave myself something to work with for this character at least. 

In the flashback, since it was hard for me to understand, it was the mother cheating with the men. The secretary for the father is actually just a cousin. It's also the mother who have people after her, not the father. The mother also trained Gema in some things that will be brought up later. 

Gema also doesn't like people who seem close to fight like with Hikaru and Kaoru does in chapter 8 as well. Blame that on childhood trauma. I just didn't do a good job showing it. They also don't like when someone manipulates others to get what they like.  Hence his actions in this chapter. 

In chapter 9, I state that Gema isn't rich. I did kinda tell the truth. Gema isn't rich, his two other parents are. His father and step-mother (who I love by the way) are rich as heck. He just lives on his own now.  He also doesn't use his parent's money to get by with life. He agreed to let them pay for the apartment but even then, he's keeping track so he can pay them back.

When he's playing truth or dare, one of the maids mention they never had to use a fake name. When the other maid and Gema put their fingers down, the question him. He doesn't answer. Imma be honest, I had nothing there. I have no clue what he could've used a fake name for. Maybe I should just have Gema as the fake name?

Tattoo explanation since I forgot about that too.  This was the orignal plan. The tattoo was from a club known as Nightshade Jupiter. The color of the tattoo all represent something.  Since Gema's had a red dragon tattoo, he was considered one of the hit men. It was like a mafia but not at the same time. I'm still keeping the whole mafia bit, maybe, but I'm going to change Gema's position. It doesn't make sense due to his childhood and his fears. 

Also, the whole Dark Blue part was supposed to represent how long a person was in the club mafia thing. Dark Blue means for about 4 years. I'm changing that. By changing, I mean getting rid of entirely. No more of that. 

Also, Gema does have fears. Not normal ones though I guess. 

In Chapter 12, it shows he doesn't sleep often. *cough* club and schoolwork *cough*  Also, Gema has AB blood type if that explains why the hosts don't wake him up. That should be all. I'll update soon. 

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