Chapter 16

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Warning in advance: I didn't really know what to do in this chapter besides let my anger out for this entire episode. Like come on, she's five!


I helped Honey tie his tie before looking at Haruhi. Hers was in a random mess. I gave a soft sigh and shook my head with a smile. "Haruhi, let me help you out with that." She nodded and let me fix her tie.

We were all dressing as police officers today. That just meant that I had to help Haruhi and Honey with their ties since the three of us were in the same one. We had the standard police uniform without the vest while the others were... uh... dressing as a hotter version I guess?

"Places everyone! I hear footsteps coming!" Tamaki yelled.

Haruhi and I glanced at each other before nodding. The plan was to put her on my back because they're formation was a little boring. Mori and Honey glanced at us and smiled because no doubt we looked ridiculous. Me with my oversized sleeves of a police officer and her, just trying to hang on.

"Welcome~" We all said as we saw the door open.

My eyes softened at the sight of a small girl with blonde hair and blue eyes coming in. She looked barely 5 years old.

"Oh my. What an unusually young guest. Well, glad you're here." Tamaki smiled at her.

I quickly let Haruhi down before smacking Tamaki upside the head. "She ain't here to be a guest, idiot! Why would someone who looks barely 5 be here?!"

"Ow! Mommy, he hit me!" Tamaki said while hiding behind Kyoya.

"Why do you refer to me as Mommy?"

I quickly jumped in to answer. "Mommy? Sorry. Mommy? Sorry."

The little girl was still staring at us as Kyoya walked away from me and Tamaki. Haruhi and I walked over and knelt down close to her.

"What's wrong little girl?" Haruhi asked.

"Are you lost?" I asked.

She just pointed to us all and said, "It's a reverse harem! This is a reverse harem!"

We all froze. Did she just say what I think she just said? No way, I'm going crazy.

Tamaki started to hit one side of his head to clear out his ears. "That can't be right. I must've heard wrong. Maybe there's still some water in my ear from when I went swimming."

Hikaru was using his fingers to clean his ears and started laughing. "Water in the ears, that's got to be it."

Kaoru doing the same, "I'm sure just heard her wrong. There's no way this cute little girl said the word reverse harem. Something's going on with our ears."

I stared at her. Where in the world did she learn that word though? If the others are acting like this, that means I wasn't going insane and she actually said reverse harem. She probably doesn't know what it even means though.

The little girl pointed at us again. Uh oh. "There's debauchery here."

I looked at her in shock. Okay, whose bright idea was it to talk about these things around a child?

She started jumping up and down. "Yay! There's debauchery here, isn't there?!"

She pointed at Kyoya as we were all in shock silence. "You're the glasses character." She then pointed at Mori and Honey. "You're the boy lolita and stoic type." The twins were next. "Twincest." Then faced Haruhi and I. "The bookworm and the gay!" We both sweatdropped.

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