Chapter 20

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Guess who's back! I'm not dead! So I'm actually supposed to inform you guys of this little game. Basically, these have never been my stories! Surprise! I'll explain at the end if you want to know! Till then, enjoy!


"What are you doing here? How'd you even find out where this is?!" A voice echoed throughout the yard.

In front of Gema stood the host club. To say he was a little pissed was an understatement. It was Sunday and Gema had gone to his parent's house. His mother had chosen to help him bake and they ended up getting into a batter fight. His mother had started winning before there was a knock on the door.

Gema, thinking it was someone that was delivering a package had gotten the door. Imagine his surprise when it turns out to be the Host Club. It turns out that Tamaki had another freak out about him being in a gang or something. Not exactly wrong but not exactly right.

"I want to know how you found out where I am. 10 words or less. Now." Gema crossed to his arms.

"Kyoya." Haruhi said.

"Kyoya-san knew!" Honey exclaimed!

"Kyoya." Mori said, avoiding eye contact.

"Kyoya knew where this was." The twins said.

"Gema! You're not in a gang, are you?! Mommy, our son might be in a gang!" Tamaki yelled out, going to hug Gema.

The glare stopped him. The hosts went quiet and their smiles fell. They've never seen Gema look at them like this. Sure, he looked at them when he was mad but now he was looking like he wanted to kill one of them.

"Kyoya knew? Good, now forget and get out of here."

No one spoke. Mori went to step forward before having to stop too. Gema had narrowed his eyes at him.

"Gema?! Who's at the door?!" A voice called out.

"No one Mamã! Just some people!" Gema answered.

They heard footsteps coming to the door. Gema let out a groan. A woman came into view and smiled at the hosts. She was about 5'2" with black hair. Her hazel eyes seemed to sparkle as she gazed at them.

"Are these your amigos?" She asked.

"It's pronounced friends Mamã." She nodded in thanks. "And yes, we go to school togther."

"I asked if these were your friends?" The word friends seemed hard to understand and probably pronounced wrong but Gema understood.

"Uh... we're in the same club."

"Then you are! Óptimo! Come in! Come in!" She exclaimed. (Terrific!)

Gema whipped around to face her. "Mamã! Please!"

"Seja gentil. Estes são seus amigos. " She said. (Be nice. These are your friends.)

The others were confused as they didn't know what she was saying. Gema gave her a look and she just smiled.

"Por favor, mamãe. Você não está pronto para este grupo." Gema exclaimed. (Please Mama. You aren't ready for this group.)

"Eles são o seu tipo e eu quero netos." She said before beckoning the others in. (They're your type and I want grandbabies)

"Como vou te dar netos?! Eu sou um cara!" Gema called out, following his mother in. (How am I going to give you grandchildren?! I'm a guy!)

The other slowly followed. They remained quiet as they watched this go down. Haruhi was snickering at the red that seemed to spread across Mori's and Kyoya's faces. She knew that they didn't understand what they were saying but she figured it was something else.

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