What Makes You Beautiful

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School. I absolutly dread school. I'm a social outcast, well at least me and my best friend Joni. I like having Joni around because even though she knows about my parents and Gertrude. She doesn't know how mean Gertrude is and how she acts. Joni is also useful because well, she is dating Dana and Dana is friends with Cole, and Cole is my forever and always crush. Yes, forever and always. Anyways, as I am walking down the hallways I notice a whole bunch of kids staring at me. I don't know what it is. I mean I'm wearing long sleeves and jeans so nobody can see my cuts. But then it hits me. Maybe I am popular and that's why everybody has all eyes on me. As I am daydreaming the impossible, I run face first into a cute boy with shaggy brown hair.

"I'm sorry," we both say at the same time. As we're on the floor gathering our stuff, I notice who I just ran in to. Oh my god, it's Cole. Yipee. Then I stop because it's Cole, I mean why would he want a dirty redhead like me? I hurry grab my stuff and run in the other direction.


Dalton and I were trailing through the halls when I ran into this hot redhead chick. I apologize the same time as her then automatically I think, Colton! LOL. But I guess Colton really has nothing to do with this. Then I realize it's Emily. Wow! She's honestly beautiful. I think fast. I grab a piece of paper that seems important then right down my name and number. Then the look on her face changes. I wonder what's going on. Right when I'm about to ask her what's wrong, she quickly picks up her stuff and scurries in the opposite direction. There goes my chance of having a girlfriend. I am the loner of the group.

"Nice going there bro," says Gabe as he comes up behind me with his girlfriend Kalyn.

"Haha very funny," I reply. He helps me up and we head off to class. The thing is I just can't get Emily out of my head. After class, I catch up with Joni, Dana's girlfriend, to get some information on her best friend. Some way or another I'm gonna find her and I'm gonna get her.

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