Call Me Maybe

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*Two months later*

"I'm leaving now. Bye mom." I smile and walk out the door with my suitcase.

"What do you mean you're leaving?" I hear her say. I happily ignore. I finally decided that I literally couldn't live without Emily, so I bought a plane ticket using my mom's credit card and I'm off to find my girl. I hope she forgives me.

*Five Hours Later*

I got off the plane and walked to baggage claim. Who knew it was so cold on the East Coast? I may need a sweatshirt.

When I got outside, a cold wind swept through me. I shivered. I had no idea, where I was going. I knew I was in the right place. I walked down the street into this teen hangout place.

When I opened the door, I ran straight into a girl around my age just a little shorter. She had strawberry blonde hair but the ends were dyed pink. Her roots were a dark red. She reminded me of Emily.

"I'm sorry," I quickly muttered."I was looking for my friend. Her name's Emily."

"Oh, cool. Hey my name is...uh...Ashley?" She said it in a question."I think I can help you find you're friend."

"Okay. Thanks. My name's Cole." I took her phone and inserted my number. While I was going through her contacts I saw she already had a Cole in there. "I had to put my last name because there was already a Cole in there. But call me."

I walked out and took my stuff to the nearest hotel. I hope this Ashley girl really could help me.

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