First Dance

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I laid on my bed with my legs up in the air. Joni never woke up, so she ended up sleeping over. Luke was blowing my phone up! Alex tried to stop him but she couldn't. So here I am waiting for Joni to get out the bathroom so I can get ready for this date with Luke.

"Are you done yet?!" I yelled knocking on the bathroom door.

"Keep your pants on!" Joni yelled back.

"Interesting way of saying be patient." I said as soon as she came out the bathroom. Her hair was perfectly curled with a bow on the side. She had on red high top converse, black skinny jeans, and a white half shirt with four black and red pandas on the front. She was wearing a black cami underneath.

"Where's the princess going?" I asked with my arms crossed across my chest and I'm leaning against the bathriom doorframe.

"Ooo.... I wonder who else will call me that!" She said cheerfully. "Well any way, I'm going out."

"With who?"




"But-" she cut me off.

"I did finally get to go there. When you were in New Jersey, I went to Starbucks with Will." She explained.

"What? Why Will?" I asked.

"That was my birthday present...Starbucks."

I nodded my head like I understood. Joni smiled at me then left as I made my way into the bathroom.

Twenty minutes later, I was dressed and sitting in the porch. I was wearing a light blue and candy apple green striped shirt with blue jeans. I had on a pair of gold ballet flats. As I was examining my outfit, I got a text from Cole

~Cole xoxo: Want to get together today?~

I sent him back a text

~Me: Actually I have plans with.... Old friends~

I hate lying to him, but I don't think he likes Luke. I don't want anything to happen.... I mean Luke and I are just friends.

As I'm sitting there thinking about Cole, Luke pulls up. I climb down the few steps and open the passenger side door.

I get in the car and smile at look as he says, "Good Morning."

I lean back and put my seatbelt on. "You know, you had to say yes. I couldn't just let a beautiful girl like you walk away." He said winking at me as we drove to the restaurant he was taking me.

"I told you, I only want to be friends."

"I'll change that soon."

"Sure. So how's Alex?" I said changing the subject.

"Shes good. She's gotten into a couple of fights with her dad, but she'll be fine."

"Where's her mom?"

"Her dad said she died when Alex was only five years old."

The part about being five years old got into my head. "Is Alex short for anything?"

"I don't think so. Its always been Alex."

That was the end of our conversation. When we reached the restaurant, Luke and I walked in and found a table near the back.

We ordered and ate in mostly silence. A young lady started singing and Luke asked for the First Dance. I took his hand as we walked out onto the floor. We started waltzing and he was twirling me and let me say, it did feel magical.

I heard someone behind me clear their throat and when I turned around. It was Cole. "I thought you had plans with old friends." Cole asked shoving his hands in his pockets and shooting Luke a death stare.

"Um... Luke is an old friend. We met yesterday! That's a long time if you ask me." I said acting nonchalant.

"Emily. I think we should wait a little while, yeah?"

"Wait, what do you mean?"

"We rushed into things. I'm not saying we should break up. Maybe we should give each other a little space...because obviously you want someone else hogging up yours." Cole said looking back at Luke. I stand there speechless as Cole salutes and walks out the restaurant.

"Don't worry about him." Luke says bringing me into a hug. I hug him back, not able to say anything. When we let go, we go back to our table and pay for our meals.

We walk out and Luke drives me home. Before I go, I tell him to make sure Alex calls me tonight.

I open the door and run upstairs to my room with out saying hi to anybody.

Everybody is down there...including Cole and I couldn't really face him again. When I make it into my room, I plop down on my bed and grab my phone just as Alex calls me.

"Hey! Watsup?"

"Nothin really. Do you know someone named Brandon?" I asked getting right to the point.

"The name sounds familiar." She says over the phone. 'ALEX! WHO ARE YOU TALKING TO!?' I heard a man tell. I'm pretty sure it was her dad.

"Sorry! I got to go. He's not usually this mean. Not what I remembered. Well BYE!" She hung up. I roll over an my bed and scream into my pillow.

A/N: SUCKY CHAPTER! Yes I know but I needed to update. How do you think Emily should find out that its the 'real' Alex? What's going to happen to Cole and Emily? I need to practice my writing...

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