Chapter 1

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Celeste POV

What a dreary morning, I thought to myself as I sat on my front porch. I watched as the slow fat droplets of rain fall on to the  muddy ground. At least they wont expect me today in this weather. As if reading my mind my Alpha linked me.


"Yes Alpha?"

"No need to come in today, the weather has takin a turn for the worst"

"Yes sir"

"Would you mind starting the laundry though? Mallory is feeling under the weather as well"

"Yes sir " And with that the link was cut off. I closed my eyes and concentrated on what my minds eye need to see, once that was done I knew the laundry was on it's way down to the basement to be cleaned. I sighed thinking of the pack house and then my parents house. Neither of which I'm allowed to go into with out permission anymore. Since I was ten it's been this way.

It wasnt my fault my ancestor was mated to a witch, it wasnt my fault that no one else in the generations after never got the gene, only me.  I sat on my porch and just felt as the weather did, miserable, lonely. I couldnt take it anymore. I got up and headed for the bathroom to start my day. I walked in and started the shower as I looked in the mirror, ugh. Dark red hair with curls that would never leave no matter what I did glared right back at me. Pale skin and freckles across my nose greeted me as usual, my lips being too large for my face in my opinion was turned down in a unwelcoming frown. The only thing I actually liked about myself was my eyes.  They were deep green and bright, no one in the pack had eyes like me and I liked that.

Thinking about the pack and how lonely I've been for years on my own onky made looking in the mirror that much harder. So I turned away and stepped into the shower thinking when my loneliness would go...if it ever would. I'm use to it by now but still.. a friend would be nice. But that's life, I'm always going to be different...always alone.

Finns POV

They are all staring again, I hate that. I cant rightly blame them seeing as I'm 6'11  and most wolves only reach 6'4, maybe 6'5 if they are lucky, but being a bear shifter those restrictions didn't apply to me. It still didnt make me tolerate the staring though.

Walking into the dinning hall of the pack house I see my Beta with his mate eating their breakfast.  I walk up to him and sit down with my plate. "Good morning to you too Alpha" Thimas greeted me with that shit eating grin of his, I grunted in response.

"Leave him be Tom you know he hates mornings" Sally replied giving him the look. All Sally ever had to do was give him the look and he shut up, bless her heart.

To look at them you'd never have guessed they'd be mates. Thomas has  black hair and eyes, while Sally had platinum blonde hair with clear blue eyes. Thomas was a joker and Sally the serious one, two halves of the same coin. I always wondered what that's like...maybe I'll ask Sally later what it's like,  I couldn't bring myself to ask Thomas. I'd never live it down if I did.

"We leave in a few days Finn, are you ready? " he asked grabbing my attention. We were to visit his old pack because their Alpha demanded a audience with me, they always did. Since I was made Alpha of this pack by the council every Alpha within the country either challenged me, sucked up or demanded an alliance, it was exhausting. "I'm ready". I mumbled,  more interested in my food than the conversation, I hated traveling in a cramped car. I didnt see why we could shift and head out, it would take fifteen minutes to get there in stead of driving which took over an hour. God bless larger built vehicles though, they made it easier.

"Good! Hopefully I can see my cousin while I'm there, I miss that girl to pieces." Thomas said, he has a joyful look upon his face when ever he mentioned his cousin, which has been often these past few days since the visit was scheduled.  "You mean Celeste? Oh tell her I said hey and she should visit soon, she is such a sweetheart."  Sally cooed over the girl who wasnt even here. Just my luck, I deal with an over eager Alpha and now I'll be visiting a rambunctious child no the month over yet?

*A few hours later*

"Sally, could you come to my office please, and dont tell Thomas"

"Sure, everything alright?"

"Yes, I'd just like to have a conversation in private please."

"Ok Finn, be there in just a second"

I cut the link once I knew she was on her way, I've been wanting to ask her about how mates work with wolves. My father is a bear shifter like me, but was mated to a werewolf. So I know finding a mate in these packs isn't unrealistic...I just dont know how it happens. My father being a man of few words like me never explained,  and I never asked...I guess I should have. In all my thirty years of life I've never been embarrassed to ask anything...that was not the case now.

A knock on the door told me Sally has arrived,  "Come in" I said as the door was already opening and Sally popped her head in. "What was it you needed Finn?" Shifting in my seat I became all too aware of how shameful it was that a grown man knew little about mates. " I wanted to ask....what happens when a wolf finds their mate" I said as quietly as I could,  knowing she heard me.

"Well....ahh... well they first smell an amazing smell that is their mates and its amazing really. It makes your mouth water and you just cant get enough of it. Then you find them, lock eyes and the whole world falls away...and it's just you and them....why do you ask?" She looked at me with a cocked brow and a knowing smile. I grumbled, "I just wanted to can leave now Sally. "

She stood and made her way to the door, "oh and Sally?" She turned to look at me."Yes?" I leveled her with an icey glare, "If you tell Thomas so help me I'll teach your first pup to swear like a sallor" I threatened.  She laughed in stead and shook her head. "If you say so Finn, you're secret is safe with me" and she walked out the door.

I sighed, the tension of the day setting in, it's going to be a long day.

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