Chapter 13

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Unknown pov

'Have you talked with her?' he asked his wife sitting by his  bedside in his hospital room. 'I told her that it is going to be a tough time for him and to be there for him. They even had dinner together last night.' she replied. 'He has changed a lot after she came. I can see the way he acts around her. He likes to spend time with her.  I have seen the way he looks at her.' He said. 'Yeah, do you think he likes her?' she asked him.

'Well, I hope so.' He replied. 'It would be wonderful to have layla as our daughter in law. She will be the perfect wife. I am just worried about our son.' 'Oh, he will mature. He has aldready matured a lot. I just hope thinks work out between them. She has aldready moved in next door.' she replied with a smile.

She really liked layla plus she was best friend's daughter. Of course Daniel will like her. She was such a kind, graceful, beautiful girl. The perfect match for him.

'I will pray to God until the day arrives honey,the day that Daniel and layla get together.' she said holding his hand.

'Mom, dad, can we come in' they heard their son's voice. Daniel and layla were standing at the entrance of the hospital room. They smiled and told them to come in.

Daniel's pov

We entered the hospital room and started talking with mom and dad. Mom was busy discussing something with layla when dad asked me, 'What about the Matthews deal? Have you prepared for that?'

'I am. Don't worry.' I replied to him. 'It is going to be our biggest deal yet son. I would have come with you if not for my medical condition. It is in a month. Prepare well.' my dad told me.

'Okay dad.' I said to him. Truth to be told I was a little bit tensed about it.

That was when mom back along with layla. 'Son, layla told me that your cook went home early yesterday because of some problem. Is he okay now?' she asked me. 'He messaged me in the morning that he was going to take some time off. His mother is really not well. I get it. He is the best cook I have had and he has never taken time off expect for Christmas and new year. He always had the breakfast ready and dinner whenever I came home. I don't want to fire him' I replied.

'BUT he is taking indefinite time off. What will you do then?' Mom asked. 'I will manage mom. I will cook, okay?' I said. 'BUT you don't know how.' Mom said in a worried tone. 'Mom!' I said closing the topic.

'Okay fine, Layla, honey can we talk for a second?' Mom asked and layla nodded and went outside with her.

After some time they came back in. Layla looked a little tensed but mom looked happy. But later layla smiled at my parents and we resumed back our conversation.

After that we left and sat in my car. 'I will drop you to the organisation on the way.' I told layla and she nodded. 'I will help you.' she suddenly said.

I looked at her in confusion and asked 'What?' I asked her. 'I will.. Help you with the cooking until your chef arrives again.' she said.

'Layla, you really don't have to.' I said. 'You are aldready very busy Daniel. Along with that with everything going on with uncle Robert this is the least I can do for you.' she said.

'Are you on a diet?' she asked me. 'I am.' I told her. 'So, what do you eat on a daily basis?' she asked me and I told her. She nodded her head.

'Layla....' I said. 'It's okay Daniel. It's for.... Aunt and uncle. You are their son.' she said and got out of my car. I just sat there surprised.

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