Chapter 12

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Daniel's pov

That night layla left and I went back to bed. I could barely go to sleep after everything that had happened.

The next morning I woke up followed my routine but today instead of going to work I was planning to go to the hospital.

When I went ahead and was about to leave I saw layla was leaving too. 'Going to the hospital?' I asked her. She nodded her head. 'Me too. Let's go together.' I told her. By now I knew that she shared a very close relationship with with my parents so I expected her to be going there. After spending time with her time with her right now I realized why they liked her so much.

We got out of the car and went upstairs to my dad's private ward avoiding the media outside the hospital.

We went upstairs and saw mom and dad. Dad was awake now and I started talking with him. Halfway through mom called layla outside to talk about something and she left. I was a bit puzzled but then figured out that it must something to disscusss among 'Ladies'.

A while later they came and mom was smiling but layla was looking, well 'Shocked' she tried to smile at my father but something about it seemed forced.

I kept on talking with dad and later the doctor came in to check him and we left. Layla seemed a little disturbed.

'Are you okay?' I asked her. 'Yeah, I am. Just a little tired. That's all.' she said.

I nodded and drove the car towards her workplace. As she was getting out of the car I said, 'Layla, thanks for being there today, actually everything you are doing right now.' I said to her.

'No problem, I think of uncle Robert as my dad too.' she said and got out and walked towards her workplace.

I kept on looking at her until she entered the building and then after that drove to my office as well. I opened my phone and saw many missed calls from Caleb. He came to meet me and we discussed a lot of things. It felt nice to open up to him. Except for my parents he and layla were the ones I trusted. Wait a second, did I just think about layla.

Well, she was a pretty nice girl. Actually one of the best  I had ever met. I concentrated back on my work again for the rest of the day.

Finally at night I packed everything up and messaged my mom if I can come to meet her and dad. She told me that dad was given heavy medication today and was resting so it's better that I didn't visit them right now but in the morning.

I agreed with her. I drove my car back exhausted to my penthouse. I was opening my door when I heard a voice behind me, 'How was your day today?'. I turned around to see layla standing at her door. 'Really exhausting.' I replied back. 'I just wanted to tell you that your cook left early today because of some family emergency. He told me tell you that he couldn't make dinner.' she said.

Great, one more problem. 'It's okay. Thank you, for informing that to me.' I replied going into my apartment. 'Wait, that is why I made this for you.' she said handing me out a plate. 'Ypi made this?' I asked her.

'You are going to through a stressful time. I don't want added pressure on you. Why don't you come inside and have dinner? I will warm it up for you.' she said.

'Okay.' I said going inside her apartment. I went and sat on her table and she went into the kitchen to warm up the food. She came within minutes and served it to me and I started eating it. 'This is amazing.' I said. It was really tasty.

I didn't mean to notice but the truth was that right now she really looked exquisite. She had no makeup on, had her hair down but still looked amazing. But more than that it felt nice to come home to her and have her by his side while having dinner.

She came and sat beside me while I was having dinner. 'My mom used to say that nobody should eat food alone.' she said looking at me.

'How's uncle Robert now?' she asked me. 'Well, he is fine. Under heavy medication but he is doing well now.' I said to her.

'Everything will be fine.' she said. 'Do you mind if I ask you something?' I asked her. 'No, not at all. Go ahead.' she said.

'How did you grow so close with my parents?' I asked her.

'Well, like I told you before, I was fresh out of college and was looking for a job. I mean I could have opted to use my parent's trustfund and huge inheritance anytime but I wanted to do something productive with my life. I got a job at the organisation and I loved it. One day uncle Robert came to meet me and when he heard my name he was pleasently surprised. He said that he and aunt were friends with my parents in college and highschool. It was my mother who had introduced your parents. We talked a lot and he said that he aldready trusted me a lot and gave me the job. I was overjoyed. Next week he came to meet and asked me if I could meet aunt,i mean your mom. I went there and she was really happy to meet me. She showed me pictures of the four of them together and all. It was really nice. She even told me about how she and my mom were best friends with each other qnd even maid of honors at each other's weddings. She asked me visit her next week too and I guess it became a regular thing after that.' she said.

'I never knew that. About our parents being friends.' He said. 'Me too. It surprised me a lot. I just didn't know that you were their son.' she said.

We talked a lot and also decided to go to the hospital in the morning to visit dad. Apparently layla had aldready gone there during lunch time.

It felt nice talking with her. After having  dinner I said goodnight and left.

I went and took a shower in my penthouse. Lying down on my bed I couldn't help but think about how nice it was to come home to her. Layla.

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