Chapter 4

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Daniel's pov

It was Saturday and I didn't feel like going outside. I had my breakfast and was scrolling through my phone. I don't know what went through my mind but I on Instagram I searched for, 'Layla Vanderbilt' and I found her account. It was public. I scrolled through it. And I saw a lot of pictures of her at the organisation with the kids, taking them on picnics, she even posted about her own work, about novels, quotes. There were a few pictures with my father as well.

As I went on looking at her pictures I couldn't help but smile. There was so little that I knew about this girl before, I didn't even know that she and my father were this close. Her quotes and way of thinking impressed me. I couldn't help but think about what my friend said, about her hating me in school. Was it true? She was so nice to me. I was immature and it was all just a joke for me, for all of us. I had moved past it and so had others, so must have layla. I was sure about it.

In her pictures and also in real life she was positive person to be around. She was kind, innocent and........ Beautiful. What was I thinking?

I sighed and got ready to go to the shower. As I was coming outside drying my hair my phone started ringing.

'Hello.' I said. 'Honey, come to the hospital right now. Dad has woken up!' Mom said in an ecstatic voice.

I couldn't believe it. I immedietly got ready. I drove my car as fast as I could and went to the hospital.

I went inside the hospital with a huge smile on my face. I entered my dad's room was relieved to see his eyes open and see him talking with my mother and smiling. He saw me and his smile widened.

'Dan.' He whispered. I walked upto him and sat beside his bed. 'How are you feeling dad?' I asked him.

'A little weak but I am fine now. I will have to stay here for some more time but I have confidence that after physiotherapy I will be back on my feet again in no time!' he said enthusiastically.

'Calm down honey. Take your own time. Dan is taking care of everything.' Mom said in a soothing tone.

'Actually I was asking the doctor if we could shift everything at home. This hospital environment is making me feel sick aldready.' my dad said.

'I will ask the doctor if that is possible. We can hire a nurse for you at home and everything if you want that.' I said to him and he held my hand. 'Your mom told me how you handled everything with maturity after this all happened. I am so proud of you.' Dad said with a big smile.

Then the doctor came to check up on him again saying he had to rest, I talked with my parents a little more and I decided to leave. I left my dad's room and went towards the hospital exit.

As I was getting out I got a really pleasent surprise. I saw layla. I walked towards her. 'Didn't expect yo see you here.' I said to her and she turned around. She was startled at first but gave me a bright smile when she saw it was me. 'Your mom had called me. She said that you dad had woken up. So I came to give them this.' she said and I saw that in her hands there were flowers and a fruit basket with a get well soon card.

'Actually, I doubt if dad is allowed fruits in the hospital.' I said truthfully. 'No, they are 100% organic and I didn't buy them for Sir, it was for ma'am. She has been staying with him continuously in the hospital for over a week now.' she said.

'I might not be allowed upstairs. Can you give this to sir and ma'am please and also tell ma'am that I am glad that sir is okay now?' she asked me.

She thought so much about others. I took those things and sked one of the nurses to leave it in my father's room and tell my mom that I will call her later. She nodded and took them.

Layla was looking at me confused and I told her,'Don't worry, we are one of the major trustees of these hospital.' she nodded and looked relieved.

'You know my mom as well?' I asked her. 'Yeah. Ma'am used to come with sir to the organisation a lot of times.' she said.

'That's nice. By the way how are the things at the organisation?' I asked her as we both began walking towards the exit together. 'They are going well.' she replied.

'Okay then. I will take my leave.' she said as we reached the exit gate. 'I can drop you.' I said to her. 'No you really don't need to. I can go on my own.' she said.

'Okay.' I said a bit disappointed. Why was I disappointed? Maybe she was an excellent company and I wanted to spend time with her?

'BUT come on.... I insist. Why not?' I said. 'Well, you are busy all the time and I don't want to be a bother.' she said.

'I am free today. You won't be. We both are friends right?' I asked her.

She raised her eyebrows a little and said, 'Technically, you are my boss. I ought to be calling you sir but...' she said and chuckled. 'Please don't , it would be very weird for me of you called me sir.' I said to her and laughed.

She agreed and got into my car. She gave me the directions to her apartment and I drove there. On the way I talked a lot with her. She had started off as an intern at my organisation a d had reached the position where she worked over the years. I got to know a lot about her and frankly speaking enjoyed the time I got with her.

After we reached her apartment building she got out and waved at me. I waved back and she left. I don't why but I felt a little bit dejected after she left hoping she would turn back and sit in the car again.

Was caleb right? Had I really started liking liking her? What the heck? Why the fuck am I thinking all this? She is just my friend. I had just met her again right now. She was really pretty though, like beautiful... I mentally slapped myself.

I looked at the watch and saw it was lunch time. I went to a good restaurant and ordered my regular diet meal. After that I went to the bar to have a drink. Over there as usual I saw a chick trying to flirt with me. I was not really in the mood but I needed to cool my head off. I kissed her back and pulled her body closer to mine and we were off to my place. Not my penthouse but a place I would gerally take ladies to for hookups.

We kept going for a very long time. After we were done I got off the bed and she got up to leave. 'That was nice. We should do it again sometime.' she said in a seductive whisper. 'Go.' I said to her in a curt voice.

Obviously dejected she got out of the house. I went to take a shower and relaxed. Changing my clothes I went back to my penthouse and opened my laptop and started doing my work.

I aso noted down that tomorrow I needed to talk with the doctors and go ahead and ask them about what dad asked today. It would be  great if he was at home.

My phone pinged and I opened it. It said: Layla Vanderbilt uploaded a new photo.

I opened it and saw it was of her playing with a baby. It was tagged #nephewlove. She looked cute and adorable. I liked it and went back to working again.

Layla, What are you doing to me? I don't like you but I love the feeling you give me every single time I am with you. Even if we met fight now again, I consider you my best friend.

You don't hate me.

A/N: really sorry for the late update. I was not feeling well and freaked out but it turned out to be a really nasty cold and tonsils. Thank you for reading my new story. I hope you like it so far. Stay home and stay safe y'all. Hope you give love to Layla and Daniel.

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