Chapter 25

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Third person's pov
(highchool continuation)

One year. It had been one year of hell for layla. She had one or two friends who were just nice to her on a humanitarian basis. In school there was Daniel to deal with.

In this one year she had found out that Daniel was a business tycoon's son. His dad was one of the richest people in the country and the world. It was obvious why people used to constantly take his side and girls would throw themselves at him. He did have a so called girlfriend but every single day she would see him making out with some other girl.

Everyone wanted to be his official girlfriend, layla didn't even understand why would anyone want him. The sight of him disgusted her. He did have a lot of money.... But seriously... Was that the only thing that mattered to these people. Just the fact that he had a lot of money made him attractive. Many hoped that he would fall in 'Love' with him. She facepalmed at that. He was going to fall in love with someone.... Ugh... Seriously though God save the girl if he really falls for someone. If he falls in 'love'. That girl should  descend from heaven or something like that to sprinkle magic dust on him to get him to fall in love with her.

She walked in school that day and the usual snickering continued. The usual laughing at her, making disgusting sounds when she was around them. She just closed her eyes and ignored everything.

She left her bench for two minutes to go and fetch something and when she came back she saw that someone had spilled her bottle of water and thrown her books down as well and tried to tear her bag.

She just picked everything up, tried to clean the water and sat back on her bench while everyone else was laughing. Later on the teacher came in the class, saw the mess that had been created and scolded her for being careless.

She went out of the class after it was over, went inside the girls bathroom and cried her eyes out. She went out of the bathroom and in the hallway to fetch books from her locker on which it was written in huge bold letters, 'Fatty!'.

In the school there was also a tumour that she poor. She did have money but did not waste any of it. She did not come to school in expensive cars like they did and most of the times brought her own lunch. Because of all this they teased her for being.  'POOR' she did not understand what was wrong with leading a sedentary lifestyle, the one she had lived with her whole life.

She went for the lunch in cafeteria again and the usual sounds kept coming. Daniel was there laughing the most but later took some girl by the hand and left to God knows where.

As she went to sit on a bench she saw a little boy and a little girl aldready sitting there. They jumped when they saw her. 'We.... We are so sorry.' they started saying in their tiny cute voices. 'There is no need apologise. What are your names?' she asked them smiling. 'Clara and Elijah.' the boy said. 'Where are your parents then?' she asked them kindly. 'Dad.... Dad is the Jani... Jani' the girl started saying. 'Janitor?' she asked them. They both nodded. 'Mom... Mom is not well.. In.. In hospital... so dad said come with me. We are supposed to stay here.' the girl said.

She felt sorry for them. 'Have you guys eaten anything?' she asked them. 'No, dad said he will come and give us food.' the boy said. 'He said that before coming if we both are hungry we can use this and that.' He said pointing at the vending machine and a few crumbled dollars in his hand.

'Are you hungry?' she asked. That both nodded. 'We don't know how to use it.' the girl said point g at the vending machine again. 'Don't use it. Here..... Eat this.' she said and brought out her own lunchbox and opened it for them. 'You can trust me, I am your dad's friend.' she said. Those little kids looked overjoyed and started eating her home cooked food. She went yo purchase a bottle of water for then from the vanding machine when she heard two girls gossiping,'Just look at their clothes and the way they are dressed, how could the principal even allow the janitor to bring his kids to our school. So low class.' one girl said looking at them with a confused expression.

'Miss piggy gave them her lunchbox to eat.' the other girl said. 'Yeah, probably because she is overstuffed. Daniel gave her the right name- MISS PIGGY.' the first one said and they laughed.

Layla just shook her head and went back to the kids to give them water. How could they judge little kids?

When the day was finally over and she was leaving the janitor approached her and thanked her for feeding his kids lunch. His wife was really sick in the hospital and there was no one to watch them.

She told him it was nothing and to not thank her. The kids thanked her as well and the girl said that her hairband was missing. The janitor said that it was in the janitor's closet.

Layla told then that she will go ahead and bring it and told him to stay with the kids.

She walked towards the closet and opened the door. The hallway was empty and she screamed a little bit.

Daniel was in there with some girl eating her face off and his shirt was off and so was hers. It was like they were glued to each other.

They looked shocked after seeing her there. Thankfully the hairband was on the shelf next to the door. She grabbed it, closed the door and left.

She gave it yo the little girl and they thanked her and left. As she was was walking she heard a voice screaming at her, 'Hey stop, fatty, stop.' it was Daniel, fully clothed.

'Not a word about that to anyone okay?' he said. 'I am not even interested in telling about that disgusting scene to anyone.' Layla replied and started walking away.

Daniel was just shocked and surprised and walked away as well.

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