Chapter 11

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Daniel's pov

Me and layla hurried towards the hospital. I drove too fast. It seemed like I was not in my right senses. Dad was in the hospital again. I parked the car in the driveway and we both got out of it as soon as possible.

We hurried to the entrance and saw mom standing there. She had a sad expression on her face. 'What happened mom?' I asked her.

'Your dad...... Your dad was feeling really uneasy today and then... Then when I brought him.....' she broke down a little bit. I went ahead and hugged her. She hugged me back.

We went to the floor where my dad was admitted. The doctor had said that the tests were done. Apparently my parents had come in the morning to get them done on a urgent basis and had called me after knowing it was something important.

Dad was lying on the bed sleeping inside his private ward. The doctor came with a serious look on his face. Then he looked puzzled and asked, 'Who is she?' pointing towards layla. 'She is family.' my mom replied.

'Okay then Mrs. Harrison, there is a bad news. We have found an undetected tumor inside Mr. Harrison's body. He needs to do a surgery..............' the doctor began saying but I just zoned out. What was happening? Why now? I was numb. I thought this had ended.

I just kept on listening to my ml and Doctor. After that I went ahead to see dad one last time. He was trying to stay strong but I knew what he and mom were thinking.

I went out of the room alone and sat on a chair outside. Closing my eyes I was still processing what had happened. That was when I felt a small, warm hand on my shoulder.

I looked up to see that it was layla. I had completely forgotten she was with me. She kept her hand on my shoulder and was looking at me with her large brown eyes trying to give me reassurance.

I extended my hand and held her hand on my shoulder. She came to sit beside me and I hugged her. I broke down on her shoulder and she kept patting my back. 'He will be alright on no time. You have to stay strong. He is looking at you for strength.' She whispered on my ear.

I pulled away from her and nodded. 'Thank you.' I said to her. 'Don't thank me. Uncle Robert is like my dad to me.' she said. We both just sat there for some time without saying a word to each other. Mom was inside by dad's bedside.

I felt empty. I felt nothing. But then layla put her hand on my shoulder again. 'Everything will be okay. The doctor said that the surgery will be in a month. Medications will start from tomorrow. They will be able to remove the tumor.' she said.

'I know... Its just... Its just' I said rubbing my eyes. She still kept her hand on my shoulder. If it was not for her by my side right now I would have completely broke down.

We sat there for some more time. Until the night nurse said that the visiting hours were over. My mom got a night pass for herself so she could stay by dad's side.

We both stood at the reception discussing some other arrangements for his room. Finally we breathed a sigh of relief and left the hospital.

The ride back home was completely silent.

When we went back to my penthouse she said good night and was about to go back to her apartment when I stopped her by holding her hand.

'A cup of coffee?' I asked her and she nodded her head. I didn't want to be alone right now but moreover I didn't want her to go away, even if next door.

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