Chapter 20

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Daniel's pov

I woke up early in the morning again but I heard the sound of the door opening on its own. I rushed downstairs to see who it was. How the hell did that get past my security and my guards and break my door.

I went downstairs ready to confront that person when I heard, 'Good morning sir.'

My chef was standing in front of me. It was almost a month since he had come. 'I called Mrs. Harrington to ask her if she already had hired someone else but she said that you were still waiting for me. Thank you so much sir. I will start working right away.' He said.

Usually at my place my chef comes first to work. It is after I leave that my housekeeping staff comes. At that moment I saw layla arriving at the door with a breakfast plate in her hand.

She looked confused. 'Good morning ma'am.' my chef said and looked at me. I nodded at him giving him the green signal to go to work.

Layla still looked confused. 'It was my chef.' I told her. 'Oh, so he is back!' she said with a smile.

'Yeah, he is.' I said quietly. Honestly speaking I had been practicing some cooking skills so I could cook with her sometimes. I could have stayed the rest of my life like that, eating food made by her.

'Well, now you don't need this I guess.' she said looking at the breakfast plate. 'Oh, no I will eat it.' I said grabbing the plate.

'Okay. Well, that was nice. Cooking for you.' she said and turned around and towards her apartment and closed her door.

I guess that was the end of it for us. Now the next thing was our relationship. Finally layla will be mine.


Life was pretty much how it was before layla started cooking for me. We met less and less. We left our apartments at diffrent times, would rarely come in front of each other. I did not have a reason to meet her anymore. Moreover this time I had to cancel going to the organisation because of work.

I barely saw her and I missed her. She lived right next door but there was no reason to meet and so we never met each other.

Finally when I was coming from work today I was standing in the elevator and saw her entering the building. I held the elevator door for her until she came.

'Thanks!' she said as she was entering the elevator. 'You are welcome!' I replied with a smile. There was a momentary silence between us and I was working up the courage of how I can ask her.

We both reached our floor and she got out and was going towards her apartment.

'Layla!' I said and she finally stopped and turned around. 'Yeah..' she asked. 'You know dad has gotten better.' I told her. 'I know, I met him yesterday, he looked really healthy.' she replied with a genuine smile.

'Um... Yeah, I wanted go tell you that following the events that dad is doing better now and came out of such a big situation, me and mom are having a small celebration at their place.' I told her and she got confused.

'We are inviting some people, mostly dad's close friends, cut a cake because he was not able to celebrate his birthday in all this mess and I would like it if you came there, tomorrow.' I told her.

'I don't really think I would fit in. I mean I don't really attend a lot of parties.' she replied.

'This is not a party. Everyone around would be people who genuinely care about my parents and the way you have helped, the celebration would be incomplete.' I told her and went near her and held her hand.

'Is there a dress code?' she asked. 'It's a party layla. This is a small celebration, you can wear anything you like.' I told her. You look beautiful in anything. I don't care what you wear, you being there is what will matter the most to me. I said in the back of my mind.

I can't wait to tell her how i feel. To spend everyday with her,kiss her, hold her, stare into her beautiful eyes for eternity.

'Okay then, I will come. What time?' she asked me.

'It's at 7:30 pm.' I said. 'Okay then I will take the bus at 7:15.' she said into space. 'Sorry I said that out loud.' she said. So adorable. 'We can go together.' I told her.

'No need, you have aldready helped me a lot with everything. I will come over there. Thanks for inviting.' she said and went on to open her apartment door. 'Goodnight' she said before closing it.

'Goodnight.' I replied. I couldn't wait for tomorrow. I was not going to hold myself back.

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