Chapter 3

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Daniel's pov

It had been one week since dad's accident. The doctor told me the same thing everyday. Injuries healed but don't know when the patient will wake up. He visited him every day in the hospital. Today he had to go to Harrington's organisation. It was his family's non profit organisation which his father regularly but as he could not go this time Daniel was going in his place.

Around evening i left the company to go there. I got out of his car and went towards the office. As I  looked around everything seemed to be running smoothly. I went towards and said, 'Good evening Mr. Williams.'

The old man looked up with a smile. 'Sir, welcome!' Mr Williams said. 'Please don't call me sir, I am way younger and there still a lot left to learn mr. Williams.' i said sitting down on a chair.

'So, what do you want to look at?' Mr. Williams asked. 'I don't have any doubts about the finances of this place. I know you must taking be taking good care of them. I was just hoping to take a tour of the place. Mom told me that dad always did that.' I said to him.

'Of course! Should I call someone to help you?' he asked with a smile. 'Of course. I don't know this place a lot.' I said nervously.

He took the phone and dialed a number and asked for someone. Soon enough that person arrived and I turned around to see who it was, I was shocked, standing in front of me was layla.

'Mr. Daniel, this is layla. One of the best employees of our organisation. Your father really liked her as well. He thought of her as his own daughter.' He said as layla stood at the entrance.

She looked surprised as well but quickly masked it and put on a professional demeanour and asked ,'Sir, you called me?'

'Yeah, layla can you please help Mr. Harrington to take a tour of this place. I know you were about to leave but...' Mr. Williams said. 'No problem sir. I will be happy to.' she said with a smile.

'Mr. Daniel.' she said and I got up and followed her out.

'Looks like we always run into each other nowadays.' I said and she chuckled.

'I didn't know you worked here and knew my father as well.' I replied. That was a fact that surprised me.

'Mr. Harrington along with Mr. William hired me right after I graduated college as a teacher. He always visited every week. I was not experienced at all, used to do a lot of errors, but they were very patient with me. Especially Mr. Harrington.' she said with a smile as of she was remembering something fondly. I smiled looking at her. I had never seen this side of hers in school.

We walked around the entire place and she gave me all the information everywhere we went.

'Okay, this is the last room. The library.' she said. 'Do you want to take a look inside?' she asked me.

'No, it's okay.' I said to her and we started walking back. 'So, you teach literature here in the school section.' I asked her. 'I do some work of the non-teaching staff as well, sometimes but I mostly do teaching.' she said.

'How is sir doing now?' she asked me in a bit of a serious tone. 'Better.' I replied.

'So, Mr. Williams told me that you are done for the day, do you want to have dinner together?' I asked her. 'Just as friends, I am not asking you out.' I assured her.

'I am actually busy tonight. I am sorry. I would have loved to otherwise.' she said. 'It's okay.' I said and we walked back to the office.

She said goodbye and left. I walked back to my car and saw my phone, 'Want to meet up at the bar tonight, it's friday?' Caleb had messaged.

'Sure, why not.' I replied. I drove to the hospital first to visit my parents. I was happy that the doctors were incredibly optimistic now.

I later drove to the bar that caleb and I would frequent. I went to the vip lounge like I always did. He was aldready there.

I walked upto him and ordered a drink. 'How is everything?' He asked in a serious voice. 'Same as usual.' I told him and looked down exhausted.

'I met Layla Vanderbilt recently.' I said to him. 'Miss piggy?' he said and laughed. 'Dude, stop, highschool is over.' I said to him. 'Sorry, it slipped, but you were the one that called her the most names and you met her?!' he asked me.

'I never really did that seriously. It was only for fun and highschool was a long time ago. She has completely changed now.' I said to him and told him everything.

'Not surprised that she is working for a non profit organisation. She was always helping and kind towards others. She even played with the janitor's  little kids and gave them chocolates when they had come to school one day. Everyone else ignored them because of the clothes they wore.' He said.

'She was like that in highschool?!' I asked him. 'Bro.... I think you were too busy fucking Stella and your other girls. She was always like that. What we did to her was for fun, I admit but I  couldn't help but notice how kind she was.' He said.

'BUT what surprises me the most is that she talked with you! She kinda seemed to hate towards the end of highschool. Obviously I have to admit that we were both the rich spoilt brats of school. We changedater but still, I mean she talked with you!' he said.

'I don't think she hates me, she has been pretty nice. I liked talking to her.' I said and took a sip of my own drink.

'Highschool, we all change after that. I think she must have changed her opinion about me, right?' I asked him. 'Why are you asking me this? Do you want to ask her out?' he said raising his eyebrows. 'Nah bro. She is just a nice friend I like talking with.' I said to him. Asking her out?! Was this person out of his mind. I was never serious about any relationship. 'Fi e, as you say bro. By the way... hot girl behind you, checking you out' He said quietly.

I turned around and saw her. She winked at me and I smirked and walked towards. We had a little small talk and she invited me to her place. Typical.

She leaned in as in to give me a kiss and  and I leaned in too. My lips touched hers and we started making out with each other. 'Let's leave and continue.' she whispered seductively in my ear but suddenly I stopped and pulled away.

I didn't feel like going anymore. 'Sorry.' and walked away leaving her confused.

I went to Caleb again and he said, 'You okay bro. You have never done that before.' 'Not in the mood today.' I told him. He nods and we continue to talk.

'You seriously don't like layla right?' he asked me after some time. 'WTF?!' I said to him. 'Why do you even think that?' he asked me. 'No, because you have never hung out with a girl like this.' he said.

'I was in a vulnerable position that night. We talked and she seemed like a nice person. That's it.' I said to him.

'Fine. Don't get defensive.' He said. 'I will take my leave. Update me about uncle's health, okay. And he will get better, don't worry.' He said.

We hugged and he left.

But there was one thought in my mind, whatever I did was for fun, layla didn't hate me, we talked, she had gotten past that or else why would she be nice to me like that?

What was I even thinking?

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