My Next Door Neighbor - 14

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Bryan dropped me off at home just as Bradley was pulling up his driveway. He shut off the engine and i sped walked to my door. He jogged and stopped me before i reached my door.

"What now?" i asked.

"You looked mad back at the club and i can tell you're mad now." he said.

"You're a real piece of work, Brad."

"Whats wrong?" he asked.

"You're a liar. You told me some crap story about you not being good with relationships and then you get with Amanda. You were using me" i spat.

"You're assuming im with Amanda, we just had a fun night together. I wasnt using you, Dani. You threw yourself at me too." he said.

"I threw myself at you? I'm not a slut" i stated angrily.

"I didnt say that" he spoke loudly.

"No but you meant it, didnt you?"

"Dani, i'm not going to argue with you. You're drunk and you wont even remember this tommorrow." he said, grabbing my bag and getting my keys. He opened the door and scooted me inside.

"Go upstairs and change, then go to bed." he said sounding like my parent. I rolled my eyes at him and crossed my arms.

"You're not the boss of me." i said.

"Dani, im not responsible for your assumptions. Go upstairs and change." he said again.

"No, make me" i retorted.

"Fine" he said walking to me and carrying me bridal style. I tried to make him let me go but he had a strong hold.

"Bradley, stop it" i said kicking my feet around.

"I'm going to make you change, you said so yourself." he stated.

He reached my room and set me down on my bed as he grabbed a pair of shorts and a tanktop. I stood up as he threw them at me while i slipped on my shorts first. I went into my bathroom to change into my shirt.

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