My Next Door Neighbor - 13

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It was Thursday and school felt normal again. I still hadnt spoken to Bradley, not that he would want to anyway. We were done and we were living our seperate lives. Him with his clique of the popular kids and me with Mandy.

School was a good distraction and i payed close attention in class. Now that there was nothing between us, i wanted to forget him even though i found myself wondering about him sometimes. Now that i didnt want to think about him, i saw him around school more often than usual and i felt like i was being teased because every corner i turned, he was there.

I had to use the restroom in the middle of trigonometry so i left the classroom and made my way there. I was busy texting Mom telling her if she could please make it home a bit earlier. I hadnt seen her in two weeks and i missed her dearly. I knew the hallways like the back of my hand so payed no particualr attention to them as i typed up a text. I bumped into someone who steadied me and i felt those familiar hands hold me. I looked up to see Bradley standing in front of me slightly grinning and i couldnt seem to step away.

"Hey" he said. I tried to answer but i couldnt seem to find my voice or the courage to speak.

"How've you been?" he asked.

"Fine" i managed to say in a croaky voice. I cleared my throat and noticed his hands were still on me.

"You're still holding me" i stated quietly. He looked at me questioningly and then realized what i said. He let go and i relaxed slightly.

"See you" i said walking around him and leaving him behind. When i turned the corner, i leaned on the wall and relaxed myself by deep breathing. God, what was wrong with me? Why did he have this effect on me? I didnt like feeling vulnerable around him and enchanted by his charm.

Friday came and Mandy wanted to go out tonight. I agreed and said we'd meet at the club.

I straightened my hair and it fell mid-back. I wore a red tight fitted dress with a deep v neck. I wore nude peep-toed heels and wore pink lipgloss with a black winged tip eyeliner. I drove to the club and walked in with Mandy. She decided not to bring Greg which i was glad for. Its not that i didnt like him, but i liked having alone time with Mandy. She got us several shots and we downed them eagerly. We started laughing as the alcohol started messing with us. We took endless trips to the bathroom and stumbled often. I was in a drunken daze which i fully enjoyed.

"Hey" someone said lowly in my ear. I turned to see a rather handsome guy, checking me out. He had dirty blonde hair, crystal blue eyes and a great smile. He wasnt as fit as Bradley was though. I shook my head and told myself i shouldnt compare him to Bradley.

"Hi" i smiled.

"I'm Bryan, and you are?"

"Danielle" i answered.

"Would you mind dancing with me?" he asked. I accepted and we grinded together. I stopped to go take another bathroom break.

On my way back from the bathroom towards Bryan, i saw Bradley not more than 4 feet away. I stared at him as he did the same. I slowly walked past him but he grabbed my arm.

I looked up at him and we stayed looking at eachother for a few seconds. Suddenly Amanda, one of the popular girls in school walked up to Bradley and slipped her arm around his waist while she looked at me in a curious gaze.

"Babe, who is this?" she asked in a high toned voice. Babe? Did she just call him babe?

"Dani from school. And you know Amanda" he said.

I nodded and released his grip on me. I walked back angrily to Bryan and downed another shot. Was Bradley with Amanda? He said he wasnt good with relationships. That was just some lie to get rid of me. God, i couldnt stand him. I felt used and i hated it. I felt myself starting to dislike him too.

I danced with Bryan that whole night until i had him drop me off at home. When we got to my place he asked me out on a date next Saturday night. I accepted and left him with a kiss on the cheek.

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