Chapter 31|Comfy Tower Days

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Shurikens made of ice flung from Snowdrop's hands. "Are the packs usually this big?" She asked. "No. They've been getting bigger." I stabbed a wolf between the ribs. "I wish we fought something other than wolves." Loki commented. Ave twirled her spear, piercing two wolves at once. "It feels good to fight again!" She laughed viciously. "It is weird how there are so many of them. I mean, there are supposed to be rare." Snowdrop ducked under a wolf's inky paw and punched it in the nose. Tourmaline killed it with her claws. 

Soon enough we finished off the last wolf. We went back to the tower, where Amare was making a late lunch. Marigold sat at the table, making herself a flower crown. It was made of dandelions and hydrangeas, highlighted by baby's breath. Amare took a dish out of the oven and immediately began fussing over Ave. "Love, I'm fine!" She protested as her betrothed scanned her for any injuries. Amare smiled softly and pecked Ave on the nose. 

"What's for lunch?" Tony asked, breaking the moment. "Cheese quiche. I learned how to make it decades ago." I sniffed. "Smells almost as good as Rowanwe's." "Are they an elf from your village?" Bruce asked while passing a steaming plate toward Marigold. "Rowanwe and his husband own the bakery in Stardust Grove. We spent a lot of afternoons there." Ave answered. She sat down at table and complimented Marigold's flower crown.

Loki and I scooted our chairs so close together we were practically sharing one. Pink dusted my cheeks as I noticed his thighs against mine. I brushed it off and ate my slices of quiche. It tasted just like Veronwe's. "Amare taught me how to make a flower crown!" Mari held hers up for me to see. "It's so pretty, Mari." Marigold beamed with the praise. I was happy to see that she was coming out of her shell and getting more comfortable in the Tower. It was like finally having a little sister of my own.  My eyes flicked over to Snowdrop having a enthusiastic conversation with Tony and Bruce. The Science Bros were probably telling her about human technology. She had a thirst for knowledge that could never be quenched. Ave and Natasha were sharing tips, both being assassins. Clint offered a few points in the conversation, too.

I smiled as I looked around the table. It was nice to see both my new and my old friends and family getting along so well. Warmth bloomed in my chest. I wasn't lonely anymore, and I had found my family.


My legs spread out across my bed, resting on Loki's. Snowdrop, Ave, and Amare had left weeks ago. It was sad to see them leave, but I knew they had obligations to take care of in Stardust Grove. It was a relaxing day in the tower, everyone decided to take a break from their usual shenanigans. Marigold and Peter were hanging out in the common room. My eyes flicked out to my window, where the first few snowflakes of winter were falling. It was hard to believe I had arrived in the tower just a few months ago, in late summer. Soon preparations would begin for Thanksgiving, a human holiday I'm told, and eventually the Winter Solstice.

Tourmalined placed her head on my lap, begging for pats. Even if dragons were intelligent creatures, they still acted like cats. One could argue that cats are intelligent, too, though. I ran my fingers along her snout. Loki leaned against the headboard of my bed. I sighed contentedly.

Loki's lips curled into a soft smile. "I love you, darling." My eyes widened in surprise while my cheeks burned. It was the first either of us had said those words. He smiled at me, seeking validation. All though he was trying to be cool I could tell he had really put his heart on the line. "I love you, too." I stretched over and pressed my lips against his. We melted into the kiss, joyous to proclaim our love. In this moment, everything was perfect.

But I knew that perfection wouldn't last.

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