Chapter 26|Plans

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A/N~ A drawing I did of Ave, before she went missing.

Tourmaline landed on the runway of Avengers Tower. Her talons clicked against the concrete as she walked inside. I dismounted and helped Loki down. I could tell he hated flying, even if he tried hiding it. Thor landed on the runway, smiling widely. I undid the straps to Tourmaline's saddle. Loki grasped it in his arms. "I can carry it, Lokes." I protested. "I know, but I'm sure your pack is heavy too." He replied. I rolled my eyes and swung the backpack onto my shoulder. It sat right next to my quiver which was replenished with arrows tipped with elven steel. Tourmaline shrunk down to the size of a small house cat and hopped onto my head. Loki nodded toward my burden, reiterating his point. 

Loki set the saddle near my desk, along with the saddle bags, which were detachable. Tourmaline jumped off of my head and curled up on my pillow. I set down my backpack and quiver, but opted to keep my blades on my person. I felt safer with them on my belt. Green magic shimmered around Loki, changing his elven clothes to more casual human wear. He exited my room, probably to go hide from the team before they realized we were back. Although I doubted Thor hadn't already greeted them. I swept some hair out of my eyes and made my way to the common room. 

Thor sat on one of the couches, drinking a large mug of ale. Tony was sitting beside him, with a small glass of scotch. Natasha, Clint, and Bruce shared a couch, while Loki was in the corner sulking. Natasha noticed me standing in the entrance, tugging at my finger-less gloves. Nat patted the space next to her and Bruce, smiling. 

"Come join the festivities!" "Hey kid! Glad you're back. Reindeer Games cause you any trouble?" I shook my head, joining Loki in the corner. "I'm not a kid, Tony. I'm older than you." I said. Steve looked at me in confusion. "How old are you? You look seventeen." I crossed my arms. "I'm one hundred and forty three." Tony choked on his scotch. "You're older than Capsicle." "It shouldn't come as that much of a surprise to you, as you live with two gods that are thousands of years old." Loki pointed out. "Elves age slower." I shrugged my shoulders. Tony sipped his scotch, mumbling something about magic. 

I leaned against the wall, my arms still crossed. "Have any of you heard of this organization called Hydra?" Steve's head snapped toward me in surprise. "Why?" "My friend was on a mission involving Hydra, and she's missing." I said bluntly. "They have bases all over the world, it'd be difficult to find her even if she's still alive." Bruce piped up. I pulled the pendant Amare had let me borrow from under my shirt. She had let me borrow it to find Ave. "She's still alive. All assassins perform a spell when they go on a dangerous mission. They leave an enchanted object with a loved one. It'll break when their heart stops beating." The teardrop gem glimmered under the ceiling light. 

"You're friend's an assassin?" Clint asked, head lifting up from polishing his bow. "Yes. Her name is Ave." I answered curtly. The ever present knot in my stomach grew. I knew the organization had to be big for it to catch the attention of elves, but I didn't realize they had bases all over the world. "It doesn't matter how hard the search is. She was my best friend, and I can't give up on her. She has a life in my village. Friends, family, her betrothed." Loki slipped his hand into mine. He squeezed it reassuringly, as if to say we'll find her. 

"I'll help, I know the most about Hydra. I can't guarantee it'll be quick or easy, but we'll try." Steve said. Before I knew it I tackled him in a hug. "Thank you." I murmured. Steve patted my back. "Anytime." I let go and brushed away the forming tears. I had hope, and that had to count for something. 

* * *

I flipped the page in Ave's mission folder. She was tasked with killing a man high in the Hydra hierarchy, who was using magic creatures near Stardust Grove to power his mechanic monstrosities. There were also accounts of the particular Hydra faction trying to kidnap elves, and use our magic for wrong. 

There was a knock at my door. "Come in." I said while flipping another page. Steve entered with a roll of paper and a box of pins in his hands. "I brought a map, along with pins to pinpoint the Hydra locations." He set the items down on my desk. I closed the folder and rolled off of my bed. I pinned the map to the wall, then Steve stuck pins in different areas. "The file said she was traveling to this area," I said, pointing to the southern tip of Greenland. "The next full moon is tomorrow. We'll leave at dusk." My eyes narrowed in determination. "Why the full moon?" Steve asked. "My magic will be at the height of its power." I summoned a sphere of light to make my point. Steve nodded. "You know, long ago my best friend died while we were fighting Hydra." The super soldier's eyes glistened, a single tear running down his cheek. I placed my hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry for what happened to your friend. May they live forever in the stars, shining down on you." He thanked me and left.

I flopped down on my bed. There was a dull ache in my chest. I missed Ave. I wondered what my life would've been like if I'd never been banished. I wouldn't have missed out on so many of my friends important life events. Ave and Amare getting engaged, Snowdrop's coronation, everyone graduating. But I would've never met Loki, and I might've never found Tourmaline's egg. I sighed sat up. That was enough depressing thoughts for one day. 

I decided to go up to the roof. I doubted any of the Avengers watered or properly tended to my plants while I was gone. A lot of them were magic, so they required a certain standard of care. I filled up my watering can and got to work, humming an elvish song under my breath. 

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