Chapter 8

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Chloe's POV

I can't believe she would have the nerve to show her face near me.
"How the fuck did you know where I am and why the hell are you here?" I say coldly to her.
"Chloe please" she starts but I cut her off.
"No, don't 'Chloe please' me!" I start to shout at her. "You left me when I needed you most. My dad fucking died and you left right after. How you could ever even come close to me after that? You expect me to forgive you?!" I almost scream at her. She looks as if she is about to cry.
"Chloe, I am so, so sorry for doing that. I'm sorry for everything." She says almost broken.
"Answer questions. How did you know where I am and why are you here?"
"I was on Facebook when I saw that you had been tagged in something. I clicked on it curious. It was on someone called Rachel Duncan's page. It said that you were here in California and I am here for 6 weeks so I thought that I would come give you a visit."
"Really?! After 21 years of radio silence you come back. Why?!" I say feeling my eyes fill up with tears but I won't let them fall because I don't want to look vulnerable.
"I don't know Chloe! Maybe I just missed you." She said raising her voice at me.
"Just leave, I don't want to talk to you right now. Leave your number with Oscar and I will text you when I am ready to talk." I say pointing to the door." I say to her. Once she is out of sight I pick up a toolbox and throw it across the garage. 'This is going to be a long day'. I think to myself.

Rachel's POV

I'm almost done my photo shoot when my phone starts ringing. I go over to it and look at the caller ID. 'That's weird, it's Oscar.' I think. I pick up.
"Hello?" I stay.
"Hi Rachel, sorry to interrupt whatever you're doing but I thought I would just let you know that Chloe isn't in the best mood right now and she's on her way to your house. Something happened earlier today and she's a bit angry. Just thought I should let you know." He tells me.
"Okay thank you Oscar." I say then hang up. 'What happened?' I think then finish my photo shoot. I just want to get out of here as quickly as possible so I can see what's going on with Chloe.

Blair's POV

School just finished and I'm making my way to the bus stop when I see Chloe sitting in a old pickup truck blaring rock music. She's parked in the pickup area so everyone is wondering who the cool punk rock chic is picking up. I overhear some people around me.
"Woah she's so cool, I would love to be the person that she is picking up."
"I wish I was that cool." I smile at all the attention she is getting. I turn to my friends.
"I wonder who she is picking up." My friend Jackie says.
"Yeah, it would be so cool to be picked up by her." My other friend Ellie says.
"Hey guys." I say and they both look at me. My ride is here." I smirk and both of their jaws drop when they see me walking toward the truck. I open the door and Chloe turns the music down a little and fist bumps me. She starts to drive away and I see everyone looking at the truck and me inside. I smile.

Chloe's POV

When we are driving I turn up the music and start moving my head to the beat of the music. Blair does the same and we both end up singing along. I'm not sure how she knows this song but anything is better than talking to anyone right now. We get to the house and walk in. Blair goes upstairs and I hear music start. I get changed into some shorts and a sports bra. I put in my wireless headphones and start to workout in the living room to rake my mind off of things.

I'm doing push-ups when I see a pair of feet. I look up and see Rachel looking at me with her arms folded. I take my headphones off.
"Can we talk later? I'm not in the mood." I say making my way to the kitchen and getting a bottle of water."
"No we can't. I have been worried about you. Oscar called me and said that something happened at work today. What happened?" She asks.
"I don't want to talk about it." I say coldly avoiding eye contact with her.
"Chloe please talk to me when you're ready." She says.
"Yeah, okay." I say and walk out of the kitchen. I grab my jacket and head for the front door.
"I'm going out. Don't expect me back for dinner." I shout to Rachel then leave before she can say anything.

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